Sometimes I hate this hobby...

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[SIZE=10pt]I never brew lagers as they are too much effort but decided to brew only my second lager recently using the last of my Vienna. I had issues with the smack pack not swelling after 5 days (it was older) so purchased a second one (no chilled so plenty of time to pitch). While the second was coming from Craftbrewer the first pack decided to swell. Smacked the second anyway and used it for the starter but a 2.2L starter didn’t seem to give me enough yeast so ended up pitching the yeast from the starter plus the initial smack pack. After a week and a half of messing around with smack packs and starters I finally was ready to pitch last night. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Unfortunately as I picked up the fermenter to put in the fermentation fridge the tap caught on my pants and snapped in half so 6 or 7 litres of my precious wort + yeast ends up all over me, the floor, the kitchen cupboards etc, after a week and a half of work on the stinking thing. I managed to save two thirds of it (hopefully no infections introduced during the desperate panic to stop the wort gushing out…). I can’t even brew another as I’ve run out of Vienna. Not happy Jan! [/SIZE]
You poor bugger, I feel your pain..Not good when a serious of disasters turns you off this great hobby. Ive mumbled to myself a few times.."Time to pack this on" But had a sip of my next beer and thought "Hell no, what was I thinking"

So get back on the damn horse and ride my man.
Sometimes it's just easier to drive down the street for a slab of Oettinger :p

My star moment was filling a NC jerry can sitting on an old fashioned storage cube, the square stacking ones like milk crates that have been around forever.

However I had it on its side as that gave the exact height required, but it was sitting angled so the jerry could sit across a corner for stability.

Needed a pee, was running nicely so I rushed off ... then an almighty crash from the garage.

The thing had gradually deformed and given way and the jerry crashed off the cube onto the floor, gushing boiling wort, with the urn still running of course.

I collected about 12L but did up a full brew with LDME and some hop tea. Hot wort everywhere, under fridges, under cupboards, gluing bike tyres and lawn mower wheels to the floor. Took the best part of a whole day to clean it up.
Mate, if it was easy & didn't take any effort or dedication, then everyone would be doing it.

Shit happens sometimes. It's how you deal with the problems & setbacks that sets you apart from the masses. I've lost count of the number of 50L AG batches I chucked down the drain 'cos something went wrong. Whatever! NEXT!!

Go forth & multiply (your yeasty-beasties) & have another crack. You KNOW you want to..... :drinks:

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