So my temp probe fell off..

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Phlegm TB
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Came home tonight and luckily noticed my temp probe had fallen off my fermenter :mad:

So the heat belt has just been on for some part of the day non stop.

The temperature is about 31 degrees, but no idea how long for.

The gravity is about 1.14 (started about .6) and it's been fermenting for nearly a week, so it was nearly there.

Is there anything I should do for the yeast at this point?
Any ideas what this will do to the beer?

Happy to just rdwhahb (not much I can do about it now!) but more curious what it's going to end up like...
If it had nearly finished fermenting then probably be fine. Which yeast strain did you use?
I'm guessing you meant OG was 1.060 and it's finished at 1.014.

I had a similar thing happen lately with some WLP090.

Happened quite early too. Was finished in under 2 days. Sample from the fermenter tasted pretty rank. I almost tipped it.

I decided to give it time. I racked it to a keg, primed it with some sugar and left it for 2 weeks. It has been on tap for about a week now and it's actually tasting pretty good.

Slight chalky/powdery mouthfeel, but very drinkable.

I reckon it will be fine. Give it some time. What's it taste like now?
OG was 1.060 and it was about 1.014 when it all happened. It's now about 1.010
Tastes pretty good right now but I'm no expert to be able to pick up anything. Little bit of harsh alcohol taste but I'm hoping that goes away...
Before I had temp control I had a couple of ferments that got near 30c in a heat wave. They had hot alcohol flavor and a tainted flavor and aroma like a bit of paint thinners that never went away but cross your fingers. The hot alcohol flavors can go away after some time cold conditioning but that other tainted flavor stays. Both got tipped out.
The most critical time for temp control is in the first stage of the fermentation, where most of the flavour elements are developed by the yeast. Once you hit the secondary stage where growth has slowed and the yeast begins to settle a slight increase in temp is often desirable, but not necessarily necessary. If you neared FG and it only got to 31°C then I'd say you're pretty safe. Just take the temp control off and allow it to settle back using ambient air.
If you like the taste of it: winner.
Refer here for some introductory reading about fermentation:

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