RecipeDB - Totally Inoffensive Danish lager

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Totally Inoffensive Danish lager

Lager - German Pilsner
All Grain
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Brewer's Notes

Got a little sick of brewing too bitter and too hoppy so went for a quaffer

Chinese Cascase was used as bittering hops . They worked quite well and used some of my stock !

The malt is the malteurop (from the Vic $1/kg bulk buy last year).

A very economical brew but also so easy to drink !

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
5 kg Weyermann Pilsner
0.2 kg BB Wheat Malt
0.1 kg TF Crystal


Time Grams Variety Form AA
30 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 60mins)
25 g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 15mins)
10 g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 0mins)


2000 ml Wyeast Labs 2042 - Danish Lager


0.5 tablet Whirfloc
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.055 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.014 (calc)
  • Bitterness 23.1 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 5.33%
  • Colour 11 EBC


  • Primary 14 days
  • Secondary 14 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
Good work. Nice simple. Chinese hops to boot huh. And it tastes ok? Well done indeed then.
Anything I'd do differently? More/less hops, more/less malt, anything?
I think it would convert to reasonable a Grolsch with some dry hop addition

But to be honest, lately I have been getting a little sick of the over hopping and over bittering of beers (including my own). Its become a sort of contest to see who cma made the most bitter/hopped beers !

So thought its time to go back to basics and build up from there.

It would probably survive quite well without the wheat too (just force of habit for me to thrown some in this type of beer).

Ross only had Mittelfrueh when I ordered, but would also try a variant of this beer with Hersbrucker for a more Heineken taste
That's really a great reason ro make this style of beer. Esp as it hit and sometimes y just want to slam a couple lawnmower beers down. Or for the megaswill drinkers.
No issues with a little wheat in the receipe. Adds a little something.
Next version I brew, I will drop the IBU's a little more around 3 or 4 less

Pretty sure the rest of the keg won't survive Australia Day, its gonna be quite hot and a mans not a camel.

I still have plenty of the $1/kg grain (i wish the same could be said for the rest of my grain). 800g of chinese cascade and lots 2042 slants, I think I will be brewing V2 of this recipe very soon.
i checked my stocks and ive got everything in stock for this in Hallertauer. but not mittlefresh. only standard. but thats ok. wonder if i could bang out a brew tomorrow.....probably not. im sure the missus has a list of things for me to do.

althought i do need to bang out a wheatie soon also.

i reocn the 30IBU sounds great. although your the one drinking it so your the best judge.
i reocn the 30IBU sounds great. although your the one drinking it so your the best judge.

The 30IBU is quite nice, wife didn't pull her usualy too bitter for me face :lol: .

No doubt the keg won't survive tomorrow, so V2 will be getting brewed next weekend

Whats your mash schedule for V2?
Sorry, missed the reply.

Will post the schedule I used when I brewed it, results will be ready in about 3 weeks for testing

Pretty sure I had the following

20 minute protein rest at around 50
60 min mash at around 64/65

Yeast starter was just over 3 litres for this one , decanted as I used yeast nutrient and it appears to turn the starter wort quite dark (not sure if it does or why? but the yeast looked quite prolific and clean). I don't usually decant the starter (lazy me)

I fermented at 11 degrees for 2 weeks, Diacetyl rest for 2 days around 18 degrees, lager 1 months, polyclar, filter & keg
sweet, cheers.

any chance of grabbing some danish starter off you at some stage?
I just tasted V2 of the recipe and its really very good, I actually ended up lagering for around 6 weeks before kegging.

I am brewing up a new batch this weekend (hopefully) and also having a go at a vienna lager

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