RecipeDB - B Saaz Lager

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B Saaz Lager

Lager - American Lager
All Grain
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

60minute hops were actually first wort hops (FWH).

Pitched at 20, brought down to 10C and fermented for approx 2 weeks. Crash chilled and kegged, no diacetyl rest was necessary.

OG: 1.052.
FG: 1.010.


Next time I will drop the caramalt to 150g or so.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
5 kg BB Galaxy Pale Malt
0.3 kg JWM Caramalt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
25 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 10mins)
25 g Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 60mins)


12 g DCL Yeast S-189 - SafLager German Lager
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.053 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.015 (calc)
  • Bitterness 29.7 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 4.93%
  • Colour 11 EBC


  • Primary 14 days
This is the discussion topic for the recipe: B Saaz Lager

I've brewed a lager / pils very close to this many times and yesterday while doing an order was wondering why I bother using NB as a bittering hop when the Sazz B has a good AA.

Think I will do my next one 100% sazz b too.

i was just looking in my freezer and i found some b saaz and my next planned brew was a lager of some description... what sort of flavour did you get from the bsaaz?
It was kinda Saazy (I guess a little floral and spicy) but had some citrussy notes to it too. I purposely made it not too hoppy (i.e. for those who havent undergone lupulin threshold shift).

Next time I would drop the caramalt, maybe halve it, turned out a little too sweet I think. My mates liked it though.
i was just looking in my freezer and i found some b saaz and my next planned brew was a lager of some description... what sort of flavour did you get from the bsaaz?

Too my taste its pretty easy to over-do it with bsaaz. I love the taste using it at 20min targeting 6-8 IBU. Very citrus tasting so not to be overdone.

This is one of my regular brews:

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 23.00 Wort Size (L): 23.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.00
Anticipated OG: 1.052 Plato: 12.92
Anticipated SRM: 3.0
Anticipated IBU: 29.7
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
80.0 4.00 kg. Weyermann Pilsner Germany 1.038 2
20.0 1.00 kg. Flaked Rice 1.040 1

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
25.00 g. Hallertau Northern Brewer Whole 8.50 23.3 60 min.
15.00 g. Saazer Whole 6.50 6.5 20 min.

S 189
cheers guys i was thinking

90% pils
10% munich

~20ibu bsaaz at 60
~5 ibu bsaaz at 20
Sounds yummy! They better be flowers... :)
guys, i have a heap of saaz B pellets. what sort of amounts would i use? i mean here you've used say 25g of flowers for bittering - what would i use in pellet form?

slightly :icon_offtopic:

For an insane flavour hit - try D Saaz ---> B Saaz on Steroids.

guys, i have a heap of saaz B pellets. what sort of amounts would i use? i mean here you've used say 25g of flowers for bittering - what would i use in pellet form?


Close enough not to worry. Use same amount pellets or flowers as long as the AA rating is the same.
Sorry if you already know the following
In the recipe above;

25.00 g. Hallertau Northern Brewer Whole 8.50 23.3 60 min.
15.00 g. Saazer Whole 6.50 6.5 20 min.

This means the Hallertau has an AA of 8.5 and boiling it for 60mins adds 23.3 IBU to the brew.
The Saaz is 6.5AA and boiling for 20mins adds 6.5 IBU (coincidence only that both numbers are 6.5)

So formulating recipes depends far far far more on the AA than the form of the hop. There are other reasons why people prefer whole hops opposed to pellets, but the weights are just about the same as long as AA is the same, not to bother changing anything.

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