Nuts And Bolts

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I know this is a bit late but I did make the changes based on other comments and omitted the butter entirely.. instead I used:

2Tablespoons of Soy Sauce
2Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 Cup Olive Oil (I dont think it was Extra virgin)
2tsp curry powder
2tsp onion powder
2tsp garlic powder
2tsp paprika
1-2tsp Salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (damn this stuff is hot)
3 Cups Nutrigrain
2 Cups Mixed Nuts

Because there was less liquid they cooked quicker, and they did burn a bit.. I think they were okay for the first 30 mins, stiring every 15mins.. so mayby check them more often after the first 30mins or turn the oven down.

I increased the liquids and the spices so they would spread further.

Also as a general rule and as with the original recipe, I found that the flavours seem to develope more over the next few days. So I would advise anyone making them to hold off adding extra salt or onion powder until a few days after making them.

These no butter ones were good (apart from being a bit burned)
glennst said:
My Mum's been making Nuts & Bolts for years now, great stuff!
She uses French Onion Soup packets instead of the onion powder though.
That was my first encounter with Nuts and Bolts.. but I wasnt impressed.. the ones I had were just mixed with oil and French Onion Soup and were'nt cooked at all. They were soggy and greasy (as you can imagine) But I was sure there was a better recipe, so I went on the Nutrigrain web site and found my base and develope my recipe and method through trial and error.. and as you can see its an evolving thing :lol:.
Ill have to try this recipe. We used to have these at xmas time when i was a kid. Mum chucks bloody curry powder in her recipe. I didnt rate it when i was a little bloke because of that. This one sounds tasty though.
They are great cooked.. but easy to burn if you don't use the full fat recipe.. and then they suck..

Well its that time of year again. Time to get my nuts n bolts made with enough time to age for a few days before Xmas.. but I know if I try there will just be Hazel nut skins and salt crystals left come Christmas Day.

Still haven't got anything beer related setup.. there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do anything.
I did this just now.

6 cups nutrigrain, to 3 cups nuts (1 cup hazels, 1 cup almonds and 1 cup Brazils)

65g Butter and 1/3 cup lite olive oil
1TBL of Worcestershire Sauce and 1TBL Soy Sauce
and the same spices as above.

Cooked for 30mins in 160 fan force oven.. needs stirring every 5-10mins and make sure it doesn't burn.. mine almost burned but I saved them just in time.. 160 really is too hot for them they need the 1 hour at 125 stirring every 15 mins and will be excellent every time.. mine will be ready for tomorrow.. yay! once a year treats.. This is my final version of these, I will not be altering them anymore.

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