Humming Bird Lager

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Hey All,

The wife tried a Humming Bird Lager the other day and now wants me to give a try at making one. It is made by Cruiser so not overly "Beery" in flavor, very light colour, not allot of bitterness and a real passionfruit after taste. Any way thought I would give a go at designing my first recipe to try and make some.

Weyermann Premium Pilsner: 1.7Kg 84%
Weyermann Acidulated: .08Kg 4%
Cane Sugar: .25Kg 12%

Saaz Hops to 15 IBU
63' Mash Final Volume 12L

Thinking of adding 200g of fresh passionfruit pulp to secondary and/or some Nelson Sauvin hops for the passionfruit kick it has. Acidulated malt to help smooth the malt flavor out and Sugar to keep the colour light. Lower mash temp to aim for a dry finish.

Will this turn out anything like I am hopping? If the wife likes it I can do full batches but until then I will keep to small batches for experimenting.

I don't know whether you need the low mash with such a simple recipe. I've never done a single malt beer, so perhaps I shouldn't comment. But it seems to me you should get a dry finish with just the Pils malt without any sort of crystal (carapils or something like that) and the acidulated malt to my mind will further accentuate the dry mouthfeel.
I would have thought 65-66 would be low enough, give you a little body and some malty sweetness which should work well with the passionfruit.
But that's just my 2c worth.
Hey All,

The wife tried a Humming Bird Lager the other day and now wants me to give a try at making one. It is made by Cruiser so not overly "Beery" in flavor, very light colour, not allot of bitterness and a real passionfruit after taste. Any way thought I would give a go at designing my first recipe to try and make some.

Weyermann Premium Pilsner: 1.7Kg 84%
Weyermann Acidulated: .08Kg 4%
Cane Sugar: .25Kg 12%

Saaz Hops to 15 IBU
63' Mash Final Volume 12L

Thinking of adding 200g of fresh passionfruit pulp to secondary and/or some Nelson Sauvin hops for the passionfruit kick it has. Acidulated malt to help smooth the malt flavor out and Sugar to keep the colour light. Lower mash temp to aim for a dry finish.

Will this turn out anything like I am hopping? If the wife likes it I can do full batches but until then I will keep to small batches for experimenting.


Drew, I actually tried one of these around Chrissy. I would say to mash at 61 for 90-120 min. Also chinook at 20 min and use the passionfruit as pulp for a secondry. If possible use a protien rest during mash as well. What yeast will you be using??

Cheers Brad
What about dry hopping with a bunch of Galaxy or Rakau (only suggesting this one by reputation, never used)? Or would that be too beery?

[EDIT: Oh! Never drunk the beer either, just going on the passion fruit thing mentioned]

At the moment I'm still using dry yeast and have a Saflager S-23 so was going to use that and ferment around 12'. Saying that I'm almost out of yeast so if Craftbrewer stock something that may work better I can order one with my next shipment.

Will 200g of Fresh Passionfruit Pulp in 12L do the job or do you think it is to much, maybe even to little?

I have made a few beers with passionfruit, one I made ended up a bit dry on the pallet (tart). I have been putting about a kg in 23L and you can taste the passionfruit I think at that amount it dominates the beer. If you keg the best idea thing I would suggest is you taste daily in secondary and when happy with the residual sweetness or tartness chill and keg.

Shawn :icon_cheers:
What about dry hopping with a bunch of Galaxy or Rakau (only suggesting this one by reputation, never used)? Or would that be too beery?

[EDIT: Oh! Never drunk the beer either, just going on the passion fruit thing mentioned]

I agree wholeheartedly with bum - 30g of galaxy hops @ flameout.

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