Grain Selection for Torpedo Clone

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Just wondering if anyone on her has brewed a Sn Torpedo Clone?

I used the Grain Bill that i found on here as well as other websites that suggest:

6.4kg pale malt
310g Caramalt

i used different hops as i wanted to clean out the freezer with a bunch of hops i already had. I followed the suggest hops schedule replacing with the hops i had.. used Columbus, simcoe, amarillo and galaxy

well the beer turned out Awesome,,, 6.8% nice aroma (i love amarillo ) however

the colour is WAY WAY WAY OFF! it looks more like the golden colour that you would see from a Tooheys Extra Dry...just to be clear im talking about the colour not the taste..

Also the mouth feel does not feel as full as the Real deal

so i know that using different hops will bring a different flavour that is not my issue here im wondering has anyone tried to brew this beer and if so did you get the colour right? or the body?

i mashed high at 67c

my thoughts are next time to add some choc malt to bring the colour up. maybe even a touch of rye malt to assist with the body??

Also but not least Can someone tell me where in Brisvagas can i find or by SN Celebration from i have heard alot of good things about it but never been able to try it

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