FVM build maybe...

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I'm considering another build, I'm using a GF now but previously had a recirculating BIAB system until it leaked once too often.

What I'm interested in is a full volume system were the mash is not in the boiler (like a BrewEasy or Counter top Brutus 20) as this would enable me to automate the system right through to cooling.

I was happy with the beer my Biab kit made and I see no reason that a two vessel FVM shouldn't work perfectly well, although with the possibility of reduced efficiency compared with a sparged system.

However before I put too much effort into it I'd like to ask for your thoughts on this type of design.

easier to automate
clear wort into the boiler ( Ok this may not matter)
spent grain can be allowed to cool before dumping.

more equipment
more cleaning.

So what do you think?

Thanks All. Aamcle
Full-volume mash?

Can you elaborate on why this is easier to automate? Do you pump the wort away into the kettle, and leave the grains behind? Couldn't you equally automate lifting a grain basket out?
Full Volume Mashing, the usual example is pure BIAB.

It's easier to automate than BIAB or a GrainFather (or GF clone) because mashing does not take place in the vessel used as a boiler.
Automating removing the malt pipe or biab bag from the boiler and moving it out of the way would be very troublesome, but if you have managed to do it please let me know :)

This sort of layout :- Countertop Brutus 20

Atb. Aamcle
Hey, I went down this route when i had an incident with a hot grain bag and didn’t want to hoist the hot grain anymore. I got a 50l double walled stainless soup server and whacked in a false bottom. I based it on the Breweasy. Without the sparge float valve it was a lot of monitoring for over flow. I got jack of it and now just run off to a bucket and sparge as usual. Sort of a 2 and a half vessel system. Incidentally I found a valve for auto filling animal water troughs on eBay that would do the same thing, but haven’t got around to it.

Might though now you’ve reminded me of it.

You could add a grandfather type overflow, if I ever get this built that's what I will do.

Atb. Aamcle
Hey, I went down this route when i had an incident with a hot grain bag and didn’t want to hoist the hot grain anymore. I got a 50l double walled stainless soup server and whacked in a false bottom. I based it on the Breweasy. Without the sparge float valve it was a lot of monitoring for over flow. I got jack of it and now just run off to a bucket and sparge as usual. Sort of a 2 and a half vessel system. Incidentally I found a valve for auto filling animal water troughs on eBay that would do the same thing, but haven’t got around to it.

Might though now you’ve reminded me of it.

I've looked at these as a cheaper option to the Blichman autosparge which is significantly more expensive but the things that has put me off is the inability to unscrew the arm at the valve end. I don't want to have to take the whole thing off the mash tun or undo a nut every time I clean the mash tun but most of the stainless ones on ebay seem to have the same setup.

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