Extract Saison Recipe

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G'day fellas

Have spent the afternoon searching for an extract Saison recipe and only seem to be finding AG ones.
Being fairly new to this I don't yet have the nouse to come up with a conversion recipe from AG to extract.
Has anyone done an extract Saison that they don't mind sharing? Am a big fan of the style and would love to have one ready to go when the weather heats up.

Coverting ag to extract is not as difficult as it seems. First find the base malts - usually pale, ale, pilsner, munich, vienna, golden promise or somesuch.

Then calculate how much Malt extract you would need to get the same gravity as the recipe you're looking at. Keep the specialty malts the same - they are easy to steep and add in.
Keep the hops schedule similar - just adjust as needed to get the same IBU.

Essentially all you're doing is subbing the base malts for extract and adjusting the weight.
cheers manticle

Will give it a shot and submit it back here for checking :rolleyes:
There are two fairly current threads on saisons - one 'style of the week' and one by Nick JD somewhere (probably in the AG section which is always worth reading even if you aren't an AG brewer).. Both will contain much information and probably a few recipes you can convert. Nothing wrong with having a crack and then asking others if you've got it right. People will be more than happy to help.

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