Dry Hopping A Porter

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I have just fermented a St Peters Brewery Fresh wort kit and was thinking about dry hopping it to get some extra aroma..... any thoughts on what type of hops to use? My initial thoughts was to rack the precious liquid from a fermenter to a keg and then dry hop about 50-60 g of EKG pellets in the keg for a week and then gas it up ... thoughts?????

5 eyes
Personally I wouldn't. Historically some porters have been dry hopped but were generally aged for many months or more and may possibly have had brettanomyces infections so dry hopping was probably to freshen up the beer.

If you want to give it a go, start with 1g/L of EKG and see what you think. Can up it next time if that suits your tastes.
Just depends on what you like. A Porter is traditionally a fairly lightly hopped beer, but if you like a dry hop addition in your beers, I'd keep it to the relevant hops for the style. Probably go for a Northern Brewer or Perle.

I've made a few, but I normally don't add any extra to the fermenter. Nice drop the Porter... :icon_drool2:


Save your hops for another brew....
A good porter should have heaps of nice aroma without the need for hops.
Your beer though, so just add hops with the aroma you are chasing.

Cheers Ross
I dry hop WEIZENS sometimes.

So I say go for it. You might not want to do 60g though, maybe half and see for next time?

Or for a compromise, try this - boil 20g in a little bit of wort for 1 minute and steep it for 5-10 minutes.

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