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Hi Brewers,

All the best for 2015.

Brewman is back from leave and everything is in full swing. Bring on the brewing.


These are sometimes difficult to balance availability and freshness. I only carry enough of each strain to get me through to the next order and sometimes this means I run out. Some brewers have some big projects and can buy 2 months stock in one order. To help improve the availability of the Wyeasts I will send out an e-mail, and here's the first one, to ask what it is you are requiring.

My stocks of Wyeasts are delivered directly from the US. It takes about 2 weeks to get them, and they are always kept cold from the US to my fridge.

I am placing an order next week. I will order my usual stocks, however, if you know you need something either unusual in type or quantity if you let me know by the next Wednesday 28th of January I can get them for you.

So we will see how this goes. Please e-mail me at [email protected] with your requirements.

Some brewers have requested that the Wyeasts be packed with ice for transport. If you prefer this I now have Ice Gel packs available on the website and in BrewBuilder. When ordering Wyeasts directly off the Website the Gel packs are in the Wyeast list under the "other" category. In BrewBuilder they are in the yeast section. Either way you can select them in any quantity or not at all if you happy without that for short delivery routes. They are 50 cents each. See below for an example of the ice pack selected in BrewBuilder.

The Aeration kits are back in stock too.

There are some new products now available on the website.

Belgian Candi:

The Clear and Amber Rock are now available. The great thing about these is that they are available by the gram.

Also there are new Soft Blond and Soft Amber Belgian Sugars. These are also sold by the gram.

The Syrups are still available in 1Kg bottles, Clear, Amber, Dark and Dark 2.

Cheers Brewman
The latest Wyeast delivery arrives Monday including this seasons Private collection.

A number of brewers also asked about Pacman. Well things are progressing and I may have access to some soon. There will most likely be a minimum order quantity, not sure yet. Also I don't have the prices yet. Will update when I know.

Cheers Steve
Wyeast delivery tonight including the Private Collection that quite few brewers orders this time.

Cheers Steve
Next Wyeast Order is tonight.

Let me know if there's anything special you are after. Also check out this season's Private Collection.

Was a great response last order with lots of brewers picking up some fresh and private collection yeasts.
Time order some more Wyeast. I will be placing the order over the weekend, so let me know ASAP of any special requirements you may have. Order has to be in before Sunday night.
There are also 3 new yeasts in the private collection, see below for details. Prices are the normal prices except the Wyeast 5151-PC Brettanomyces claussenii™, which is likely to be around $25.

Pacman is coming soon.

Private Collection
FUNKY SPRING, (Well it is in the US, but for us it’s Funky Autumn!)

Wyeast 3191-PC Berliner Weisse Blend™

Beer Styles: Berliner Weisse, Lambics, Geuze, Fruit Lambic, Flanders Red Ale
Profile: This blend includes a German ale strain with low ester formation and a dry, crisp finish. The Lactobacillus included produces moderate levels of acidity. The unique Brettanomyces strain imparts a critical earthy characteristic that is indicative of a true Berliner Weisse. When this blend is used, expect a slow start to fermentation as the yeast and bacteria in the blend is balanced to allow proper acid production. It generally requires 3-6 months of aging to fully develop flavor characteristics. Use this blend with worts containing extremely low hopping rates.

Alc. Tolerance 6% ABV
Flocculation low
Attenuation 73-77%
Temp. Range 68-72°F (20-22°C)

Wyeast 3538-PC Leuven Pale Ale™

Beer Styles: Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Dubbel and Tripel, Belgian Strong Golden and Dark Ales, Belgian Blonde Ale, Flanders Brown Ale
Profile: This vigorous top fermenting Belgian style strain produces a distinct spicy character along with mild esters. Phenolics developed during fermentation may dissipate with conditioning. 3538 is an excellent choice for a wide variety of Belgian beer styles.

Alc. Tolerance 12% ABV
Flocculation high
Attenuation 75-78%
Temp. Range 65-80°F (18-27°C)

Wyeast 5151-PC Brettanomyces claussenii™

Beer Styles: Old Ale, Historic Porters & Milds, Foreign Extra Stout, Wild & Sour Ales, Fruit Lambic, Flemish Red Ale, Belgian Specialty Ales
Profile: Notes of tropical fruit, pineapple and, to a lesser extent, peach and blueberry round out a classic Brett profile. Produces “horse blanket,” leathery, and smoky character, but at lower level than other Brett strains. Can be used as the primary strain for fermenting, but is often used after a primary fermentation with an S. cerevisiae strain, and in blends to produce sour beers. It is highly attenuative, given proper time to fully ferment out, and is known to create a pellicle during fermentation.

Alc. Tolerance 12% ABV
Flocculation low
Attenuation 80%+
Temp. Range 65-80°F (18-27°C)

Have a great Easter.

I'm getting a Wyeast 3538-PC Leuven Pale Ale for myself.

Is that one for you too Yob?

I'll probably get the Brett too. The Hunter United Brewers, (HUB), guys had a sour beer month last meeting and we tasted about a dozen sours. I am hooked, loved them! Was a great night.

Cheers Steve
Forgot to mention. New Malt arrival.

Briess Victory Malt arrived on Thursday. Very tasty too!
Has anyone been in touch with Brewman? Over the last ten days I've left messages on the site and on his phone, that's diverting to voicemail.

Looking for a couple of sacks next week as I'm driving down to Newy but if I can't get in touch then I'll have to make other arrangements with a retailer.

Hope the guy's not up to his neck in floodwater or something. I think he might have been away with the kids for a few days over the school hols.
Hey Bribie hes probably cut off mate, if not by road closures than by power and maybe both. Maitland copped a massive kick in the cags the past couple of days.
Hi Bribie and Dazz,

My apologies. The last couple of days have been wet. Worst storm I have ever seen. I have seen rivers flowing in streets I thought were high and flat. Trees down everywhere. And I mean massive gums and hundreds of them everywhere. Part of the house roof was removed on Tuesday which has been a pain in the arse.

I am completely cut off, roads, electricity, phones, internet. I have just worked out how to get some internet connection, so I hope you get this.

I have had to have the essential things running on the generator until power came back today. Still no road access or phone.

No kids they're on the other side of the water with family which is not a bad thing, since I think they would be scared, I was.

If you want to contact me, email at [email protected]
Or text me. They come through very occasionally, but I do get them.

I think things will be back to normal by Monday. So if your driving through Bribie that should be fine.

Cheers Steve
Wow that's a relief, hope you get back on your feet swiftly. Up here in Old Bar we have had glorious summery weather, everyone here looking at the BOM radar for the last few days and thinking shit, what's going on down there just over our horizon.

PM sent and back in business for next week, :super: if the lords of the weather permit.
Bribie G said:
everyone here looking at the BOM radar for the last few days and thinking shit, what's going on down there just over our horizon.
I wanted to look at the BOM radar too, but couldn't.

Dungog and Maitland really got hit hard and some lives were lost.

Prayers & thoughts with their friends and families.

Here is a great photo of the second storm front that rolled in yesterday after all the wind. Photo not taken by me. The photographer that took it spent 30hrs in the storm waiting for this shot.

The grain is all good. The latest delivery had to be postponed. will get that next week now, but that's fine.

On that BOM screen shot. I think the winds got to Cat 2 cyclone. There are a lot of people doing it pretty tough at the moment. No electricity, no phone, no internet no way of getting out of their homes. Looks like it may be that way for another few days and even another week for some.

The rain stopped today and things are getting back to normal.

For those that have placed orders this week thanks for your patience.

Cheers Steve
Glad you've got your Internet connection back, being an online business.
Picked up grain order from Steve's today. Exellent service and stock levels.

Recommend highly and as a country customer I'm very impressed by the freight options, for example only $11 a sack up as far as Kempsey.

Also at risk of fan-boi-ism I'd seriously suggest brewers in Sydney and South East Queensland think seriously about Brewman as their go-to suppler, they are in a sweet spot for both locations with stocks and freshness first class.

I believe some brewers moved away from the previous supplier for whatever reason, but no reason now not to return to the fold. :beerbang: :beerbang:
Time has gone very fast this month.

A new Wyeast order will be placed this weekend.

Please let me know ASAP if there is anything special that you would like.

Cheers Steve

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