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Brew Rigs

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As per the topic, does anyone ever sell their brew rigs on upgrade or getting out of the hobby? Love to see someone upgrading from something like this (http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=36627) to something even better and sell off the original! :p
As per the topic, does anyone ever sell their brew rigs on upgrade or getting out of the hobby? Love to see someone upgrading from something like this (http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=36627) to something even better and sell off the original! :p

Sometimes people sell complete rigs due to getting out of the game or upgrading etc..

But I can give you the quick mail right now, half the joy of setting up a rig is constructing it yourself! The joy of your first mash in a tun you have spent weeks designing and slaving over makes it all worth while IMO! [or boil kettle or BIAB urn you put a tap in etc, whatever!]

If you want a 'turn key' solution there are plenty of over priced solutions out there....

2 cents.
Sometimes people sell complete rigs due to getting out of the game or upgrading etc..

But I can give you the quick mail right now, half the joy of setting up a rig is constructing it yourself! The joy of your first mash in a tun you have spent weeks designing and slaving over makes it all worth while IMO! [or boil kettle or BIAB urn you put a tap in etc, whatever!]

If you want a 'turn key' solution there are plenty of over priced solutions out there....

2 cents.

sold it and waiting for one of those over priced key turn systems.WHY cos the system i built didnt cost a great deal and has make over a 1000 lt of beer and i dont need to be mucking around in the shed when i can brew inside at any chosen time.I want to make consistent beer
not brewerys
As per the topic, does anyone ever sell their brew rigs on upgrade or getting out of the hobby? Love to see someone upgrading from something like this (http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=36627) to something even better and sell off the original! :p

Well the rocket ain't up for sale ,but if your keen I'll help you build one

sold it and waiting for one of those over priced key turn systems.WHY cos the system i built didnt cost a great deal and has make over a 1000 lt of beer and i dont need to be mucking around in the shed when i can brew inside at any chosen time.I want to make consistent beer
not brewerys

What are you getting?

I like the look of the 50lt Speidel Braumeister

I want one
sold it and waiting for one of those over priced key turn systems.WHY cos the system i built didnt cost a great deal and has make over a 1000 lt of beer and i dont need to be mucking around in the shed when i can brew inside at any chosen time.I want to make consistent beer
not brewerys

Well done...

Why did the rig you built not make 'consistent beer' ?
sold it and waiting for one of those over priced key turn systems.WHY cos the system i built didnt cost a great deal and has make over a 1000 lt of beer and i dont need to be mucking around in the shed when i can brew inside at any chosen time.I want to make consistent beer
not brewerys

I had the same mindset once but after moving interstate a couple times and essential rebuilding my brewery three times over I now feel that the equipment I use has as much of a handle on making consistently good beer as any other factor. And my brewery has remained consistently primitive.

Would love to buy an off-the-shelf brew rig but for two things; #1 as has been said I know I'd pay through the nose for it and #2, I know it wouldn't exactly suit what I want. So that leaves custom-built gear that I have to a) spend years putting together (assuming I don't move again and give it all away.. again... and b ) I have to pay through the nose for... diluted over time...
If you didn't manage to make consistent beer with your own DIY rig , how will a fancy turn key system help?
As per the topic, does anyone ever sell their brew rigs on upgrade or getting out of the hobby? Love to see someone upgrading from something like this (http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=36627) to something even better and sell off the original! :p

be a man and build your own?
Did he say that he wasn't previously making good beer? I read it more that he wants to brew inside. He said he made 1000L on his previous rig, surely he didn't brew several dozen batches of inconsistent beer & then decide he didn't like it.

I definately prefer brewing outside because we have a fairly small place with a pretty good size undercover outdoor area. I'm more than happy brewing with gear that's mainly been given to me because other blokes have upgraded, partly been put together by mates or relies that can do things with tools without hurting themselves & partly stuff that I've bought. I worked out what I've spent to go AG & from memory it was about $260. $100 for a spiral burner was a fair chunk of that, the rest was mainly hoses, ball valves & weldless bulkheads. The $50 I spent on ebay for scales & a refractometer was money well spent.

I couldn't personally justify spending thousands on a brewery, I reckon with a couple of sightglasses & a bigger kettle I'll be happy brewing with what I have for years.

Edit: grannar
Love to see someone upgrading from something like this (http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=36627) to something even better and sell off the original! :p

Dude, that's the best rig I've seen in my time... what would you upgrade to?? I get your point, but I'm going through the build (well design) process currently and its just lego for big kids. You're much better off doing the build yourself and learning a few things along the way (electricals, metal work, plumbing etc)
You for real? Like he's going to scrub anything of that shiny piece of art!

Pretty sure I said "off those pictures" :) No way would I mess with the shiny bling itself.

"Yeah! Don't want Langco getting upset" - hehe, I had not even noticed that particular brand :)
+1 to sell me your 1 or 2-tier brew stand here

i can appreciate it'd be more rewarding to build it myself but I don't weld or have the setup to and I'd rather save my DIY skills for other challenges.

One day maybe, assuming no stands ever come my way.
I've contemplated just buying a S/S bench and having a go at it with the Angle grinder, maybe it'll go that way.
For now gravity and some careful arrangement around stairs/raised garden area does the job but a 1-tier/pump'd be real handy so i could go all gas.

Turnkey system doesn't appeal to me, I've put together the rest of my setup plus they really do cost a relative fortune.
If either of us end up getting Welding for Dummies for Xmas and a Welder off eBay we can team up and knock out two rigs suchidog.
Like Kai I have gone down the path of stainless double batch breweries in the past, butmy current setup is pretty primitive, but the beer is just as good.

I have a 20L bucket of death HLT, an 25L willow esky with easy hooker braid and cheap polypro irrigation bulkhead for the mash tun and a 30L fermenter with a polypro reducing screw thread and stainless ball vale for the boiler. I use my old wand style heating element to get up to the boil I use a march pump from the 2005 bulk buy and a newish plate chiller to get the stuff around and cool. All up my system is probably only worth a coupe of hundred bucks, but is simple and makes good beer.

I still have the stainless pots and NASA burner for bigger batches but I would rather brew more often than brew bigger batches
To answer the question in the OP, yes, people do sell them... I sold mine

and I bought one of these...


Not that there was anything wrong with my original, it brewed great beers. It just didn't fit into my lifestyle anymore...

Yeah maybe they sound like a lot of money, but at the end of the day, when I wasn't brewing I was buying about$60 worth of craft beer from bottleshops. Thats $3120 pa.

Now I can brew my own again because the new machine lets me fit it into the time I have, it fits in the space I have left and it's so bloody easy to clean (I'm talking 10 minutes tops) I can brew all my own beer again. So the 9 litres a week I was paying $260 a month for, I can now brew a months worth of beer (40L) in one batch for $100 (conservative figure to include power, cleaning products, yeast etc)...

So that saves me $1920 pa ... So if you cut it back to even $1000 pa to allow for non-brewing times etc... It still owes me nothing in 4 years... Cheap as chips :D

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