Allergic to Chlorine, fluoride and tap water in general

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mickiboi said:
How do you know they all drink that water? Big assumption, you have been to all of those persons houses and seen that for yourself. Once again another baseless unsubstantiated statement.
Like I said....I've never seen a sane or well thought out pro/con argument for fluoride in water.... and I still haven't

As an engineer in the water/waste water industry i'll take my 'big assumptions' over your 'conspiracy theory ramblings'
Let's forget about the fluoride/anti fluoride thing or at least move it to another thread.
For whatever reason OP wishes to avoid fluoride and wishes to brew beer and wants some help.
That's the basis - let's offer whatever help is practical.

Everyone take a breath, start again.
Boil it let is sit for 24 hrs All good !!
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1441361235.833959.jpg
SBOB said:
Like I said....I've never seen a sane or well thought out pro/con argument for fluoride in water.... and I still haven't

As an engineer in the water/waste water industry i'll take my 'big assumptions' over your 'conspiracy theory ramblings'
If only I had a dollar for every time someone disagreed with another person's opinion and they said I'm an engineer. You are no2 so far. These forums are full of sopposed engineers. I bet you aren't even an engineer either. Pathetic defence and still no actual evidence that it's safe.
mickiboi said:
If only I had a dollar for every time someone disagreed with another person's opinion and they said I'm an engineer. You are no2 so far.
so........ you'd have $2 ?
My suggestion that we leave the fluoride/no fluoride discussion for another time and thread applies to all.

Back on topic - the topic being using mineral free water for kits.

On topic.
As per your original post Mickiboi; you have access to distilled water that agrees with you. That will be fine for starters whether it be K&K or AG. Not happy with the result then start looking into water chemistry and mash Ph.

May I suggest looking for advice from fellow brewers closer to home who may understand your water woes? Have you tried brewadelaide? I know that's the first place I looked.

Best of luck with your condition.
Whether you do kits or AG, you could still add minerals like magnesium and calcium to benefit yeast and season with sulfate or chloride versions depending on hoppy/malty balance.
Ok. Back on topic

You can brew with RO/Distilled/De-mineralised water.

Your beer may turn out better if you add minerals & salts. Mandatory no, helpful,

There are many brewers who dont add anything to their water and their beer is perfectly fine. I brewed with rain water for many years and didnt add anything to the water. My beers where fine

Yes there will be many arguments over how you "must" add minerals & salts and how beneficial it can be. But its not mandatory.
I reckon just give it a crack,
ingredients for a kit are not too much, bit of time, bit of ingredients,
whats the worst that can happen? crappy beer, ive made plenty of that!
If you do make some with distilled, please keep us updated
one thought, get some smaller fermenting vessels, and split the batch with different water
EG straight distilled, with some salts added, and a tap water (maybe get someone else to drink that) just to give some data as to the end result
Broken Hill Sea Salt is far better
Ducatiboy stu said:
Ok. Back on topic

You can brew with RO/Distilled/De-mineralised water.

Your beer may turn out better if you add minerals & salts. Mandatory no, helpful,

There are many brewers who dont add anything to their water and their beer is perfectly fine. I brewed with rain water for many years and didnt add anything to the water. My beers where fine

Yes there will be many arguments over how you "must" add minerals & salts and how beneficial it can be. But its not mandatory.
Ref post 2, I just want to ask the presentient being that is the Wiggman for his tips for the NRL and/or (but preferably and) AFL finals series.

And to the OP. As various people have posted, you can brew perfectly fine beer with a kit and distilled or RO water. And to reiterate Manticles advice, minerals added back to the distilled/RO water are likely to be beneficial to the beer, but double check they're also beneficial to you. As your allergies are pretty severe, it's pretty good advice
mickiboi said:
Thanks Stu. Much appreciated. Dr Carlsson Nobel Prize winning laureate.

Professor Paul Connett

You're right, it's not poison, I should have called it by its correct name......TOXIC.

If you want to continue to drink fluoride be my guest. Your health is not my concern, my health is.

But I tell you one thing, I'm not putting fluoride into my body just because you say it's ok and people way way way smarter than you tell me it's not.

But you are right, this is not the right place to discuss the quality of water or the effects of fluoridation of water on your health. My only concern is that I don't drink it in my beer. What you drink in your beer is of no concern to me.

I find it strange that grown people think that something is OK to put in their bodies just because the water board says it is.

Anyway I think it's time I left this forum. Catch you all later.

Infowars?? Really? A conspiracy theorist site?

Also, fallacious appeals to authority & YouTube videos are not peer reviewed literature

Effects of Fluoride at 1PPM has been studied extensively for decades... There is NO (peer reviewed) evidence that it causes any harm to humans.
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