A Sensless Act..why?

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Just got up at 5am to go for a ride and I've found that some idiot has cut through my CO2 line on my nieghbourhood keg dumping about half a bottle of gas. Why??? Looks like the community keg may have to be retirered and moved inside. It's a shame. I thought I lived in a OK nieghbourhood but I suppose there's D!ckheads everywhere.
It's the local pub owner...wanting all his customers back!
Bugger! Its hard to understand the mentality of this shit isnt it.
Hope they didnt drink your beer too mate.
Tats no good - but tell me more about this 'community keg'? interesting idea..
Maybe there are kids roaming the neighbourhood at night with knives? Scary!

Or there's a possibility that it's a groundswell of wowsers who have taken responsibility for removing this temptation. A disgruntled partner, or ex-partner of a keg user?

I see three courses of action available:
  1. Pack up and put your toys away and don't share with the other kids no more. :(
  2. replace the line and let the other users know that someone cost you a bottle of gas, and trust people to do the right thing B)
  3. Put the system back together, start a vigilante group and with neighbourhood participation, trap/torture this scumbag :rolleyes:

Could you just turn off the gas at night to avoid losses?

Bust of luck with your dilemma and I look forward to hearing or reading more on this keg concept.

Maybe frustrated wife, not getting any ^_^
Setup a motion-detected webcam security system (CCTV) for future.. just make sure the PC/laptop is securely locked away from tampering (or theft) and hide the webcam(s) if possible. You can hack most webcams to be infrared or USB night vision webcams retail for around $35.

Zoneminder is the best open-source solution imo under linux, or there are heaps of win alternatives like Catspy, etc.

At least you'll get an idea of who's messing with you and footage can be forwarded onto the local police. Print stills of the ******* and post his face all over your community, too.

Update your location in profile.. where ya at?

Setup a motion-detected webcam security system (CCTV) for future.. just make sure the PC/laptop is securely locked away from tampering (or theft) and hide the webcam(s) if possible. You can hack most webcams to be infrared or USB night vision webcams retail for around $35.

Zoneminder is the best open-source solution imo under linux, or there are heaps of win alternatives like Catspy, etc.

At least you'll get an idea of who's messing with you and footage can be forwarded onto the local police. Print stills of the ******* and post his face all over your community, too.

Update your location in profile.. where ya at?


...or do it the old fashioned way. Git yerseff a shotgun, a rockin' chair and a thermos of coffee. Dungarees and banjo optional.
Neighbourhood keg?

You have a keg of beer for the neighbourhood to come drink?

your mad!

your lucky thats all they did.

I love the concept but unfortunatly...... lots of people are idiots and something like that will only end in tears every time.

I say fill her up, lock it all up and go from there.

Neighbourhood keg?

You have a keg of beer for the neighbourhood to come drink?

your mad!

your lucky thats all they did.

I love the concept but unfortunatly...... lots of people are idiots and something like that will only end in tears every time.

I say fill her up, lock it all up and go from there.

+1. All you need is for some moron to drink himself comatose and then run over someone whilst he's behind the wheel. You'd be sued for supplying the alcohol to him, whether consent was given or not.
Use some stainless braided gas line? :p I reckon you're mad with a public keg too, good on ya though, i wish there were more like you.
+1. All you need is for some moron to drink himself comatose and then run over someone whilst he's behind the wheel. You'd be sued for supplying the alcohol to him, whether consent was given or not.

I'm not sure that could happen. surely every time that happened there would be bottlos and pubs getting sued everywhere for supplying alcohol. What if you have a mate over for some drinks, he gets pissed, walks home, steals a car on the way home, runs over someone surely that's not your fault? or the bottlos? or the brewerys?
Kids behaving badly, would bet my lefty on it.
I'm not sure that could happen. surely every time that happened there would be bottlos and pubs getting sued everywhere for supplying alcohol. What if you have a mate over for some drinks, he gets pissed, walks home, steals a car on the way home, runs over someone surely that's not your fault? or the bottlos? or the brewerys?

Just wait, it will happen if it hasn't already. Years ago Canadians didn't think that something like this could happen here as only the Americans were that sue-happy, but it has happened here many, many times. Pubs/bars have been sued for overserving people who have either harmed others or have subsequently died - directly or indirectly caused by their inebriation. Even (former) friends have been sued for not being insistent enough that their guests not drive home from their party. Because the keg was referred to as a "community keg", that demonstrates that its contents were fair game for anyone, anytime. Around here, that's enough to be held liable. Actually it's way more than enough as people have been sued for not having adequate fencing around their swimming pools - without proper fencing, secured properly, you can be sued if some strange kid wanders into your yard and drowns in your pool.

Lock up the keg.
There have already been cases of this happening; the legal precedent has already been set. From the 3 or 4 that I recall, only 1 was found in favour of the plaintif. But that one was slightly different to the other cases, as the guy was served in a bar, and it was obvious that he was heavily intoxicated. It was found in his favour due to the bar staff continuing to serve him, in violation of the liquor licensing act. The other cases involved drinking at private residences, and one was a liquor store (so it was consumed off premises).

There are no doubt many others; these are just the ones that I remember, cos they were all over the news at the time.
Can you fit the gas bottle inside the fridge and lock the fridge door?
Then the bastards will just turn the tap on and walk away....

Having lived in Sydney for a while, I now know the rule, if you want it safe, leave it inside, and even then nothing is 100% secured......
Hi Ol' Boozeroony

The best thing on the planet is people, unfortunately the worst thing on the planet is also people.

Try and find a way to keep the idea going, if you give up you and your friends lose to maybe just one ratbag! Great idea and way to introduce people to the hobby and new friendships.
Hope it escaped into a well ventilated area.

Cheers :icon_cheers:
Just an update for everyone:

The Community Keg concept began because I brew for a living so I brew at home to try different recipes/yeasts/addatives/etc and pump out way more than I'd ever consume. The neighbours where happy to dispose of my waste happily...

The idea of charges and liable, etc at first I laughed at but it did make me stop and think."if someone was around with a knife then potentially there could be an instance of someone getting drunk and the blame being levelled at me"

Definitely wasn't the wife.. I think

SOLUTION: One of my neighbours works for a safety equipment supplier and another an electrician so the following steps are to be put into place.
1. Move kegs and gas inside.
2. Fit taps to the back wall of the house so access can still be gained by the local research and development team. (My outside lines run through portable refridgeration units so don't need to be near a fridge)
3. Install a lockable valve casing to the taps (which fit very well) and issue the R&D team with keys. Additional separate locks and key held by me only.
4. Install sensor lights at appropriate positions around the house.
Job done.

For all of you legal eagles out there feel free to pick holes in the master plan.

The Community Keg Program must continue I've been informed...

Boozeroony, I think you just became my hero.
Can I cast you in bronze?

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