Recent content by Geoff-Donnellon

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Custom Crown Seals

    Does anyone have, or know how to get crown seals with there own label or logo. I have seen some on the internet but they are all from the USA and quite expensive to buy and I would imagine to import, surely there must be a local manufacturer of crown seal who could do this but so far my...
  2. G

    Brass Or Stainless?

    In my day job (yes I have to work as I cannot live on beer alone) I work in the pharmaceutical industry. We use nothing but stainless for anything that is product contact - theory is its the best material for cleaning. ie Its easier to clean and it is less likely to harbour bacteria and prevent...
  3. G

    Gelatine Additions

    Have been adding gelatin to my beer for the last 15 years or so. I normally add it a the racking stage but you could also add it at the start of fermentation if you wish. Make sure it fully dissolved first though. The best way to get it to dissolve is to add some cold water (from the frigde is...
  4. G

    Hop Advice

    Never used a hop sock - whats that all about? I always add hops directly into the boiler and strain them off as I add the wort to the fermenter. I don't usually dry hop - prefer to add hops at the end of the boil before I start to chill then strain the off after chilling, this seems to work...
  5. G

    RecipeDB - Geoff's Premium lager

    No issues with head retention - I keep records of the head retention of each batch by timing how long the head lasts in a 570 ml glass - this batch scored a 35 minutes plus until the first hole in the head appeared ( the plus is because it still had a head when I finished it 35 min later). Have...
  6. G

    RecipeDB - Geoff's Premium lager

    <div class='ipsBox clear vcard' id='recipe_card'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed ipsLayout ipsLayout_withleft ipsLayout_smallleft clearfix'> <div class='ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs ipsLayout_left' id='recipe_tabs'> <p class='short photo_holder'> <img...
  7. G

    Terrible Efficiency

    Get another pot I have always used 2 I currently use, 1 x 24 L and 1 X 19 (Big W style) but I started using 2 x 19 L puting the hops in the most concentrated pot.
  8. G

    Poll - Mash Temps For Your Lager / Pilsner

    For Lagers/Pilsners always use a 1/2 hour protein rest at 55 C then 90 min between 65 - 66. For Ales have been known to go up to 68 C - but I like a sweetish malty taste especially for my brown ales. Geoff D
  9. G

    Oak Or Wood Aged Beer

    Haven't tried beer yet but had some success using port. Got a 2 Litre cask of cheapish port + 100 gram of chared french oak chips and let them soak for about 3 months - The results were good, the port had got a lot smoother and developed some complexity it did't have before (kept a bit aside...