T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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PS. @Boston - what was the hop schedule for your 10min IPA - does the 10min
indicate all the hops were added at10min prior to flame out?
Correct. All hops added at 10 min.
Gunna's CPA
tasty beer, good malt, good bitterness, loverly hint of banana, good balance, really easy to drink, nice clean ferment, a really good CPA

QB's Irish
lovely colour, full on malt but its sweet rather than dry malt to the point of being cloying. I think a touch too much caramel and not dry enough finish for style but still a really good example of the style.

Smurto's pils
gee this looked nice. My first sniff I got diacetyl though. pretty slight. nice subtle soft malt. some nice grassy spicy hop but for me it was somewhat overtaken by green apple. the same in the flavour, some nice subtle malt, nice grassy spicy hop but overtaken by green apple again.
Smurto's pils
gee this looked nice. My first sniff I got diacetyl though. pretty slight. nice subtle soft malt. some nice grassy spicy hop but for me it was somewhat overtaken by green apple. the same in the flavour, some nice subtle malt, nice grassy spicy hop but overtaken by green apple again.

Are you describing the diacetyl as green apple?
Are you describing the diacetyl as green apple?

Definitely not. diacetyl was the first aroma which quickly dissipated...it was follow by Acetaldehyde, and I got grassy and green apple. In fact it was very similar to my Bo Pils that went into the swap at Christmas.

Raven19's Robust Porter

Pours really black, with an almost off-white head. Not getting a huge amount of aroma, but that's got something to do with it being a bit cold from the fridge. Some coffeeish notes, but not too roasty. There's a flavour that comes at the end that tastes a little odd, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Enjoyable nonetheless.
Peas amd corn...
Im really enjoying reading your reviews on the beers, and loving the pics you posting with them. Nice work! :)
Hatchy - New world pale ale

Lively pour, prickly carbonation. Good clarity with only small amount of haze. More yeasty-ness on the nose than hops. Sweetness in the flavour and lacking a little in the hops for my liking in a NWPA. Pleasant bitterness to finish but flavour doesn't quite carry through. A good beer all round - my criticisms are only small quibbles. Needs more hops :)
More hops you say? I can do that.

I had Nev's beer tonight & had to tell him I liked it because he was here at the time. Now that he's left I can point out the obvious flaw in his beer. The bloody bottle is empty.

I may have brewed for the next swap last Saturday. 350g of columbus hopbursted but I've got a suspicion that I overdid that one, I was well below my target OG due to some mill issues. It looks like I may have to start running my grain through twice or upgrade the mill.
Boston's 10min IPA

Low on the carbonation, but great flavour and hoppy aroma! Good firm medium head and smooth lingering bitterness.

Very nice. Must add to brew list.
I had Nev's beer tonight & had to tell him I liked it because he was here at the time. Now that he's left I can point out the obvious flaw in his beer. The bloody bottle is empty.

TonyC - V Twin ESB

Silly me let this warm up a little out of the fridge (thinking an ESB should be drunk alittle warmer) and it did gush a little. Lovely copper colour, some haze. Slightly sweet malt on the nose. Some yeast(?) twang in the flavour. Good full body - probably from the higher carbonation. Overall a good beer, pity about the carbonation.
I also had TonyC Beer tonight.
I may have been a lucky one? No gushing for me. Infact very little head. went in to the glass at about 3c. Maybe the trick is to pour it in cold then let it warm a little? Anyway a very nice beer! cheers! :)

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Aussie Josh's Dark Ale

Nice roasty/slighty smoked aroma initially, low to medium carbonation. Well balanced brew this one, nice sweetness at the end of pallette, with a light to medium mouthfeel.

Clean ferment, no off flavours detectable at all, a nice drop this one.
Thank you very much Raven! :) Being a very inexperienced AG brewer, and this being a AG recipe i made up. I could not of payed you for a better review! Thank you! That being said, some people have said it was a little "thin" I appreciate eveyones opinion so i can become a better brewer.
I'll finally get around to posting my limited thoughts on these:

20. simma's Hoppy Red Ale (American Amber)

I was expecting a bit of foam upon pouring this one, well I was told to expect it... oh, wait, the froth eventually manned up and arrived though, so it's forgiven <_<

I got the malty sweetness the name might suggest. Good balance of hops. I liked this. I don't recall any distinct flaws.

4. Hatchy's New World Pale Ale

I didn't get a gusher, but it got poured before it had a chance to climb out the bottle. Nose was very yeasty, and the palate backed that up. Carbonation was quite high which probably overwhelmed any delicateness. I'd be keen to try this at a lower carbonation, and as suggested elsewhere, with more hops. :p

Well done MaltyHops on the article work!
20. simma's Hoppy Red Ale (American Amber)

I was expecting a bit of foam upon pouring this one, well I was told to expect it... oh, wait, the froth eventually manned up and arrived though, so it's forgiven <_<

I got the malty sweetness the name might suggest. Good balance of hops. I liked this. I don't recall any distinct flaws.

Thanks QB!

Not sure why foam was expected? Was going for lowish carbonation :icon_cheers:.

Glad you enjoyed it, it's a different beer bottle conditioned and dry hopped in the fermenter rather than the keg. Not better or worse, just different.
Only tried one beer so far...

19. JesterDarts Autumn Amber Ale

Poured a cloudy deep brown with a persistent light tan head. Low/Medium carbonation. Aroma is malt dominated and this is backed up in the flavour which is weighted towards the malt. Finishes with a smooth, subtle bitterness.

Overall a pretty easy drinking beer, my partner and I finished the bottle off in no time.

Mayor of Mildura's Stout

Came in a bottle labeled 'beer'. Always helpful, I see ;) Poured with low carbonation, and not a huge head. I like it like this, I tend to make my stouts on the low end of the carbonation scale. Getting lots of roast malts on the nose, that aroma you can only get from roast barley and choc malt. Tastes really smooth, which came as a nice surprise. Stouts with loads of roast aroma tend to be really rough, but this one not so- perhaps the low carbonation contributes towards this? Roast aftertaste lingers on the palate nicely. A well done stout!
Jeebus! After reading the reviews, I better get my ass into gear and get something planned for the Autumn swap..

Just hoping they will be upto standard...

Better get cracking and make a few test brews ;-)
Jeebus! After reading the reviews, I better get my ass into gear and get something planned for the Autumn swap..

Just hoping they will be upto standard...

Better get cracking and make a few test brews ;-)

Have to get you round for a brew day mate!

May be brewing an Alt on Saturday if you're keen...


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