Smoked Beer, Too Heavy Handed?

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To thine own self brew
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Since a fire 3.30 am Tuesday morning (some electrical fault??) the Old Garage Brewery no longer exists. My entire brewing equipment is now three full fermenters. I will shortly set up The Out d Back Brewery on the picnic table followed later by The Phoenix Brewery.
In the mean time I'm off to the buy a can of Coopers lager and a kilo of sugar.


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Shit Barry, that really sucks, sorry to see that has happened, I hope no one was hurt and your covered for replacement.

All the best.

Oh shit, hope everyone is alright! The brewery is replacable but other things are not.

Please, at least get dme! :(
Oh no Barry, that is terrible news , commiserations. Do you need to borrow anything? I have spare mash tun, converted keg (keggle) and couterflow chiller.
Very sad to hear that Barry, although good to see your sense of humour hasn't gone up in smoke. I trust you and the missus are OK though and the house hasn't been affected??? :(
Sorry to say, but I think your bucket's had it, dude.
Hope everyone's safe,
The new brewery name is a winner!
:blink: :blink: Barry, what a terrible thing for anyone especially a fellow brewer. I hope you havnt lost too much. Wishing you all the best and good luck for a fast track recovery for your brewery.

Kind regards


Since a fire 3.30 am Tuesday morning (some electrical fault??) the Old Garage Brewery no longer exists. My entire brewing equipment is now three full fermenters. I will shortly set up The Out d Back Brewery on the picnic table followed later by The Phoenix Brewery.
In the mean time I'm off to the buy a can of Coopers lager and a kilo of sugar.
View attachment 33396

Some more photos, maybe some paint?


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Wow that's hardcore, hope it wasn't a fridgemate wired up wrong or something like that, and that you're insured.

Hate to fill out that insurance form!
Evereyone AOK, house OK, insured. Also firemen are really good blokes.
Not a great time to brew so I will build up the equipment as I go. I only have about 3 to 4 months of beer. Thank goodness I bottle and they were all under the house.

I concur with all the responses above Barry. You're champion brewer mate & you WILL get over this temporary setback no worries at all. :super:
Just glad to know that you & yours are uninjured. That is the main thing along with the insurance.

Cheers & Happy Brewing


a horrible event mate. If you run low on beer feel free to come up and knock out a batch at our place.

Keith I was thinking i'd be opening up a Rauch beer dilemma. That is bloody terrible Barry! Total commiserations for your loss.

really sorry to hear of your news. That really sucks. Very glad to hear nobody was hurt and the fire didn't spread to your house. I wish your brewery a speedy recovery!

Cheers - Snow
I don't know what to say, thats horrible, build it back bigger then ever Barry.
:eek: Oh No Barry.

I cant even start to imagine what it would be like to lose all me brewing stuff. Most of it is not replacable.

Hope you get back up and running soon. The kegs look ok in the corner?

As above, commiserations on your loss. It is hectic and you are amazingly well-humoured.
When you build it back, you should brew a commemoration rauch with some roast barley in the mix, perhaps some heavy toast oak in there as well.

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