RecipeDB - la bire de jambe de secousse

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Just a Hoe
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la biere de jambe de secousse

Ale - Bière de Garde
All Grain
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

First attempt at a Biere de Garde. Still has 2 weeks conditioning time. Will tap it AFL Grand Final Day and report back.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
10 kg BB Pale Malt
1.5 kg Weyermann Munich I
0.2 kg TF Amber Malt
0.1 kg JWM Caramalt
0.05 kg Weyermann Caraaroma
0.05 kg JWM Roasted Malt
0.7 kg Cane Sugar


Time Grams Variety Form AA
60 g Hallertauer (Pellet, 4.8AA%, 60mins)
30 g Hallertauer (Pellet, 4.8AA%, 15mins)


1000 ml Wyeast Labs 2042 - Danish Lager
45L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.073 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.018 (calc)
  • Bitterness 17.4 IBU
  • Efficiency 80%
  • Alcohol 7.18%
  • Colour 19 EBC


  • Primary 21 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
:D Online translator ballsed it up Screwy. Was meant to be French for beer of wobbly legs.

Put that through the translator in English I got la bire de jambe de secousse

Put la bire de jambe de secousse back through into English and you get.

the beer of leg of jolt :wacko:

Warren -
those online translators are good fun.

I made a sweet red wine style for a crack at the chinese market. I also entered it in a wine show and gave it the name sweet red leg opener and put it through a translator to see what it came out as.

I understand basic French and the translation came back as;
opener of sweet red legs!

One of the TAs stuffed up the label and it then read usher of sweet red legs.

hours fun and laughs...
Don't think I'll even try and get "knee trembler" :lol:

Warren -
Not yet TDA, I'm going to hook in Grand Final day. B)

Warren -

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