Mushroom Growing

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Does anyone have experience in this? I am in process of starting to grow my own veges etc and was looking also growing mushrooms...

Anyone have experience on the best way to start doing this? Packs/Compost?
Message brewer Pete.

He's a keen permaculture gardener and used to be a mycologist if memory serves me correctly.
I bought a "mashroom" box from from Bunnings, I just had to warter t and leave it outside to get some mushies.

A bit like these
I know of a few people who buy about 10 bags of spent mushroom compost and keep them in the dark and moisten each day. At least a few of the bags will re-sprout with mushrooms which you can pick till they stop producing.
Have a look on the net, plenty of instructions and way cheaper than the mushroom boxes, plus bags of mushroom compost at the end of the process.

I bought a "mushroom" box from from Bunnings, I just had to warter t and leave it outside to get some mushies.
We had one of those some years ago, the instructions said to keep it in a warm dark place, so we put it in a cupboard.
Problem was pretty soon the entire cupboard smell like mould and mildew and probably started growing mushrooms all over.
Luckily we moved out soon after.
These videos on youtube are very informative

Just watch the first one, then there is 3 more after that. Plus a bunch of related videos too. The production and especially the sound track are a little, ummm, interesting :unsure: There is some great info there. Seems like a fairly cost effective way to grow all different shrooms. I haven't done it, because I forgot about that I had these videos saved. I might have to try it too.

Keep us posted as to how you go. I love funghi. Love foraging for them too. Growing them would be awesome.

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