Mangrove Jacks Golden Ale - Robber's Gold - Yeast question?

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Hi Guys

Question about the yeast in this pack. (Brewery Box - Came with goo plus liquid malt + yeast)

Yeast Burton Union M79 (chucked pack away but think it said British Ale yeast)

After 5 days added hop bag...there seemed to be more action...

Tasted the wort and there are white bits floating around, yeast-like...?

I can only assume that this is a top fermenting yeast and is in the process of settling to bottom,

but there seems a lot of yeast in small amount I tapped off, (will take an picture). As bitter as medicine if I just taste the white stuff and

the wort seems very bitter with the yeast in it. Some of the solid stuff drops and some seems to stay suspended - seems a lot of yeast

in proportion?

I thought it might be the hop bag leaking some content, checked that and there are no leaks and hops still in bag.

Has anyone experienced this,

This brew has gone perfectly 22 degrees through out so far and they say between 20 - 25, I cleaned the equipment really well before...

Should I just wait to see if yeast drops and yeast bitterness is not in beer tapped off?

Style: Golden Ale
ABV Approx. 4.2%
Hops: Cascade, Columbus
Bitterness: IBU 32-40
Bitterness: 3/5
Colour: Golden

Kit contains: Malt, Yeast (Mangrove Jack's Beer Yeast Burton Union 10 g), Hops
Makes: 23 L

Hi - can someone in Admin delete the 4 pastes at bottom of content in post, it was not showing when I was making post...? thanks
Herewith image, seems a lot of yeast but guess I will have to wait for yeast to drop...but man that is bitter....yiks...(I assume this the yeast by product)
Will mostly have to do secondary / racking to reduce yeast when bottling...??

She'll be right. When yeast and hops are floating about it can muck with the taste of your beer. By the time it's finished carbonating in a bottle most of that stuff will form a nice lil plug on the bottom.
Hi Thanks

This is an image of the top...

Is this normal..? I have not seen this much 'gunk' before on top... Will this clear...
8th day... normally the top will be clear by now..or bubbles...

Is a new yeast to me - Burton Union M79

BTW yeast from tapping off seems to be less.... so I guess clearing....but the top seems very different to what I am used to...


Looks a nice colour in the flask(not the yeast)maybe worthwhile to transfer to second vessel + gelatine?
Thanks, can explain gelatin (noob), (I know what gelatin is...) but would that be like a liquid barrier...?

I was thinking of transfer to remove a lot of the bits...

It looks all fine to me. the white stuff will settle to the bottom eventually. You can speed up the process of making it drop to the bottom by chilling the whole thing to as close to zero as possible for a few days and/or adding a couple of teaspoons of gelatin to half a cup of freshly boiled water and adding that to the fermenter. But it's quite unnecessary to do either. Just leave it to settle on it's own and bottle.
I'd guess that the bitterness is due to the hops. At 32-40 IBUs (not sure why the stated range is so large) it is fairly bitter for a 4.2% ABV. I'm guessing that it's not a well balanced recipe.

If you were aiming for, or are used to, beers like James Squire GA, then I would imagine 25-28 IBUs would be more to your liking.