Love It Or Hate It - Your Job Poll

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  • Despise it, trying to figure a way out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hate it but the cash is too good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's ok, I'll keep doing it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Enjoy it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Love it, every day is a challenge

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am sick, I cannot wait to go to work in the morning

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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Here I am, 19th floor of shiitsville, banging out test cases for some new software someone else designed....gawd I am so over my job. Money is great and will vote for "Hate it but the cash is too good" option.

Talking with me good ol mum the other day and she reckons she did not know anyone that loved their job!
Here I am, 19th floor of shiitsville, banging out test cases for some new software someone else designed....gawd I am so over my job. Money is great and will vote for "Hate it but the cash is too good" option.

Talking with me good ol mum the other day and she reckons she did not know anyone that loved their job!
What a coincidence, I'm on the 2nd floor, and also voted "Hate it..."

Oh wait, there's more than one Shitsville.
I used to have a job, which a loved for a long time, and which paid pretty well, although it could be intense and stressful.
Eventually got to the stage where I'd get off the train, and walking to the office I'd be thinking "I don't want to do this", and dreaded walking through the office door.
I'd leave home at 6:30 AM, and be in the office just after 7 AM. I'd get home at around 6:30 AM. We'd have dinner, clean up, and a half hour later I'd be asleep in front of the idiot box.
Mrs warra decided it wasn't a life for me or for her, and thought it would slowly kill me.
So I took all my long service leave for 5 months and retired.
I've never been happier, even though we are living on only half the money we had when I was working.
I used to have a job, which a loved for a long time, and which paid pretty well, although it could be intense and stressful.
Eventually got to the stage where I'd get off the train, and walking to the office I'd be thinking "I don't want to do this", and dreaded walking through the office door.
I'd leave home at 6:30 AM, and be in the office just after 7 AM. I'd get home at around 6:30 AM. We'd have dinner, clean up, and a half hour later I'd be asleep in front of the idiot box.
Mrs warra decided it wasn't a life for me or for her, and thought it would slowly kill me.
So I took all my long service leave for 5 months and retired.
I've never been happier, even though we are living on only half the money we had when I was working.

Nice, but retirement is 20+ years away for me, I'm stuffed.

I get up at 5am, get to work at 6:30am to avoid the stinking West Gate Bridge nightmare. Home by 5:30pm, asleep in front of boob tube by 8:30pm. I put on a good face for Mrs Fraser.

Sad part is that I really used to love my job, but the fire in the belly has gone, crushed by corporate processes.
I despise comming to work
My job is boring, mostly talking to engineers fresh from uni whose native language is mandarin... no matter what or how I ask for something simple to be done the result is "yes yes yes" and nothing done... sigh.

My commute is 40kms across Melbourne and I despise traffic. I have to travel to various countries around Asia and repeat the above in person... usually in polluted cities at 40C or rural factories at -20C.

I now work once a week from home and arrive and leave the office when I feel like it... I perform the job and care not for giving 40hours a week. All in all thinks are tolerable now.

Long service leave is due soon and with any luck the company will be down sizing locally and they'll pay me leave , or ask me to move to China.

On the flip side home life is great...
My job is boring, mostly talking to engineers fresh from uni whose native language is mandarin... no matter what or how I ask for something simple to be done the result is "yes yes yes" and nothing done... sigh.

My commute is 40kms across Melbourne and I despise traffic. I have to travel to various countries around Asia and repeat the above in person... usually in polluted cities at 40C or rural factories at -20C.

I now work once a week from home and arrive and leave the office when I feel like it... I perform the job and care not for giving 40hours a week. All in all thinks are tolerable now.

Long service leave is due soon and with any luck the company will be down sizing locally and they'll pay me leave , or ask me to move to China.

On the flip side home life is great...

Looks like I'm alone on the poll at the moment in the 'love it' category, but I'm a scientist with heaps of freedom in an interesting (to me) field, decent (by my standards) pay, funded international travel and the ability to work from home (as I'm doing now) <anticipates punch to the face>.

If it makes anyone feel better, it's always fixed term (2-3 years max), usually involves leaving the country you're in at the end of that term, and the application process takes months to write. Good outweighs the bad for me.
Looks like I'm alone on the poll at the moment in the 'love it' category, but I'm a scientist with heaps of freedom in an interesting (to me) field, decent (by my standards) pay, funded international travel and the ability to work from home (as I'm doing now) <anticipates punch to the face>.

If it makes anyone feel better, it's always fixed term (2-3 years max), usually involves leaving the country you're in at the end of that term, and the application process takes months to write. Good outweighs the bad for me.
How coincidental, considering today is International Geek Pride Day

And no, I didn't just edit wikipedia to make it up...
Quite enjoy my job. Has its ups and downs and I've been studying in order to expand into a related but distinct area so I guess there's motivation.

Doesn't pay great though.
I love my job and hate my job.

I am a building supervisor so.....

I like building houses. I like working outside. I like dealing with most trades. I love renovating old houses.

I don't like the few tradesmen who don't have any pride in their job and do a half assed job for good money. I don't like Mc Mansions. I don't like how big houses are these days.
My job has it's good and bad points......Getting out of bed at 2:30am for a 4am start sucks, but finishing at midday is awesome.

A good day when I am working with a good crew who know how to do their jobs properly, combine with pleasant patrons and I swear I have one of the best jobs in the world, paid 20min breaks every hour, no need for manual labour and mostly it's not hard work intellectuality either (unless someone else stuffs up).

But on a bad day when you have to deal with morons with delusions of adequacy inside the ropes and people who think it's okay to treat dealers like shit standing outside the ropes, and I could happily walk out the door if not for the money they pay me.

You can probably guess what I voted.
I hated my job so I stopped doing it and now I have no job.

I'm enjoying that but there's no button for it.
Despite it only being casual staff member, I really do enjoy every minute of my job, and it's totally relevant to what i'm studying which means i've got a big foot in the door before I finish off my course.

Sure, the 4:30am wakeup ain't fun, and long cold wet mornings out pruning in the vineyard can be a bit of a bummer, but "everyday is a challenge" in a good way.
Enjoy the challenges that my job brings, get to escape out the bush when I feel the need, deal with some real characters and don't have a boss breathing down my neck all day but I hate being a political football every state and federal election cycle.

Like most jobs the good days a great but that bad days stink. At times there seems to be more good than bad and sometimes the other way round.

My last job, in electronics, I really enjoyed and every time I told my wife I hated it she laughed in my face! :rolleyes:
Now, I am actually training for a new job, which I also enjoy. It is really intense and most nights I feel like my head will explode from information overload! :wacko:
However, when I have finished my training it will all be worth it. It involves geeky stuff like analysing radar and imaging.

So, yes, I love my job. For me, it's way better than panel beating or making wooden boxes or working in a servo or cleaning schools. All my previous jobs!

I like my job, but it is getting a bit boring...

I started as an apprentice communications tech in 1989...

Back then there was no internet... we enjoyed setting up links that would do 19.2Kbs

It now shits me that these new age IT wankers have no real concept of how it really works..and how it evolved in the real world

It seems the longer I work in the industry the more pissed off I get with young IT Ungunears who seem to have all the answers
Back then there was no internet... we enjoyed setting up links that would do 19.2Kbs

It now shits me that these new age IT wankers have no real concept of how it really works..and how it evolved in the real world

It seems the longer I work in the industry the more pissed off I get with young IT Ungunears who seem to have all the answers
I'd just like to add to this my disregard for these kinds of people.

It seems alot of the people who are in IT these day...and making alot of money out of it too...have no comprehension of the roots, the good old days!

I had a brief stint working in the industry in the late 90's, when I was just old enough to work, but had grown up with computers since the mid-to-late 80's and back then, you pretty much needed to know how a computer work to even wanna bother operating with them.

And somehow, i've come full swing, and know bugger all about these new operative systems, and programming languages, and hardware. Alot happens in 10 years! :(

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