Force carbonating in tap king bottles.

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G'day AHBers

I've started to force carb my tap king bottles using the method where you set the pressure and leave for a few days in tbe fridge. I considered the crank and shake method (as I was running low) but was hesitant as I doubt the bottles could stand the pressure.

Does anyone else force carb in the tap king? Or does anyone know what pressure they would safely withstand?

I would be careful with those tap king bottles.
I have heard they can explode for no apparent reason.
Thanks. I figured as much.

As a secondary note, does anyone know why I'm not getting notifications for any posts? I'm guessing it's a setting but I turned all notifications on and it didn't seem to fix it.
I know some guys at our LHBC that naturally carb with no probs. they use 8 carb per keg.. Just another option I guess :)
I saved a heap of the tap king bottles to force carb. Thinking of a blank plate with a bike valve in it that fits in under the cap for carbonation and then when ready to drink slip in a new gas canister and into the tap king dispenser. Haven't done it yet
I naturally carbed the first batch no worries. When I went to bottle the second batch I realised I didn't have any fermentables on hand for priming. I decided to bottle and force carb with the sodastream. I've got a routine going now where I swap between the drinking keg and the carbing keg. Bit of a hassle but it's safer than cranking the pressure.
Just an update for anyone who is interested.

I finally put on my first brew for 2015 and was decidedly impatient to try it. I was still unwilling to crank the pressure too high so I set it to 100kPa and rolled the tapking for about 30 minutes. After 25-30 minutes I could hardly hear the gas coming out so I figured it would be pretty close. I let it sit for about 5 hours and then sampled. It was probably a little under. I was aiming for 2.5 volumes and was probably 2 - 2.2, at a guess. I still think setting to desired pressure and waiting a few days is still the better option but I thought I'd share for those that need a quick turn around beer in the tapking.

I have bottle conditioned in them for quote a while; no issues.

They are PET so they won't explode dangerously or without warning like glass bottles.

They can hold the pressure of commercially-carbonated beer so there should not be too many issues force carbing - just cool right down and use the minimum of pressure. I've found that tapkings work far better with beer that is a bit less fizzy anyway.
12 psi for about 4 days usually does it for me. Bit suss on the bottles now though have had a couple explode for no apparent reason. Moving to kegging now

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