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I started using Microsoft with MS95 and I've been running Windows XP since it came out and have been reasonably happy with it, but now Microsoft have discontinued support for XP and I was thinking of upgrading to Windows 8.
After doing a bit of online reading, it seems that Windows 8 isn't very user friendly and many people are in fact, quite disgruntled with it.

I notice that there are people who are pro Mac and others who are pro PC, personally, I couldn't give 2 bits of shit about one or the other, all I want is an operating system that works well and is easy to use.

It must work with MYOB, and hopefully keep people from accessing my computer. Other than that, I don't use it for much else, except for basic internet usage and emails.

What do other people use?
Apart from XP I've also used vista, 7 and 8.

7 has my vote, hands down.
Amiga 500...

I'm in the same boat as you BDD. I should probably upgrade the old desktop at the same time.
For ease and compatibility with most software out there besides being reasonably robust, I agree. Windows 7.
for myob stay with the system its built on which is unfortunately windoze.
ive done the tech support for mac for my father and had an ongoing 4 yr argument with them.

Edit: Seriously, just go MAC and RDC if you need a windows program... Best, intuitive and stable OS on the market - IMO... Online business owner.
I've used windows my whole life, used to argue with dad who loved macs. After getting frustrated with a piece of shit laptop I decided to give a Mac a shot. The only program that's crashed on it was Microsoft word, once, in two years. I'm not going back.
Most complaints about windows eight can be summarised as "it's slightly different! Waah!".

Seriously, if you can use xp you can use 8.
Windows 7 Pro......Windows 8 never really designed for PC unless you have touch could go android
go the win7 or wait till next year for the new one, probably called win9

edit get ultimate if you can same price or if you know someone that has it already and can give you a copy just buy a genuine key
The latest update for Windows 8 does bring it back to the feel of Windows 7, just go with that
I wouldnt say Mac was the most intuitive....but a shit load better than Win8 ( especially in metro )

Codewwavers have apparantly dome some work so MYOB works in Wine/crossover..
Thanks for the feedback, I'm leaning towards Windows 7 after talking to a couple of people who are a lot more tech savvy than me.
sp0rk said:
The latest update for Windows 8 does bring it back to the feel of Windows 7, just go with that
That's right.
I have just upgraded to Win8 from XP then to Win8.1 which is a free upgrade.
With Windows8 you don't have any little red cross to close a window, you have to grab it up the top and chuck it down the bottom like a tablet. That was a bit weird.
With the 8.1 upgrade they have reinstated the little red cross.

I think it gets a bad wrap.
You do not have to use it like a tablet, it has a desktop just like previous versions.
No strart menu, - you can download one if you like.
It's boots up in about 30 seconds.
The shutdown button is a little hard to find, but once you find it you will remember for next time.

It is a little different to other versions of Windows, but if after using XP/Vista/7 you can not work it out in half an hour, you may be a little mentally challenged.
Yea I've just changed my preferences on 8.1 to open the desktop straight away and changed default programs to non-app programs and it has made navigation much more like the older platforms.

It does boot up nice and quickly as well.

I really should get back into using Linux again, dual boot for the Mrs since she won't know what's going on otherwise.. Although I don't really spend much time on a computer these days (besides at work) so have never bothered.
If you really can make your Linux OS look like windows...why you would want to is a seperate issue.
Unfortunately MYOB will be your problem. It doesn't run that well on Windows, let alone any other operating system it wasn't designed for.

Linux is the way to go, probably Ubuntu is the easiest transition coming from a Win background. Unfortunately it's let down by lack of support from some of the larger 3rd party software vendors. Linux and the majority of software designed for it is open source and free, so you can say goodbye to software licensing fee's. Also you don't get viruses.
If you need to use MYOB - go for a hosted version, bugger all per month, they look after backups and upgrades and can be accesed by any computer with an internet connection

No brainer in my opinion

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