Brewing With Diabetes?

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I have a mate with diabetes that he can control and he drinks low sugar beer such as Hahn 3.5 Super Dry. His family gave him a starter kit a while ago and he wants to brew something, if he was to use half the Dex will that be ok or should he be using something else as the fermentable part?
If it's just the residual sugar in the brew that he needs to be careful of, he could use something like the dry enzymes they sell at the LHBS, admitadly I don't care much for their use, but it will strip the more complex sugars down to simpler ones which can then be consumed by the yeast. I'm sure you can use this with good results, I've just never had one using it
I also have a mate with insulin dependent diabetes (type 2) who used to come over on a Friday night. However his blood sugar readings were always up on Saturday morning so he's had to stop coming (cos' he can't resist drinking if he did come). So I'd like to hear from anyone who's successfully made AG brews for drinkers with this affliction.

This bloke is a new brewer so keen on kit advice for him
If it's just the residual sugar in the brew that he needs to be careful of

I'd say this is the key. Alcohol (ethanol) itself isn't the problem - to a point:

When I was an apprentice, the bloke I spent nearly my first year was also a type 2, (I didn't learn this until years afterwoods) and one of the biggest pissheads I ever met. It was nothing for us to sit with the builders in the arvo and knock off three or four stubbies each then another couple of tallies for the trip home in the old Mazda ute.
He seemed to get as pissed off one beer as he did off six, I guess due to the insulin response.

It was probably doing him no good to say the least, but I was surprised someone with diabetes could even drink at all.
My brother is insulin dependent diabetic.

He drinks whatever beers he wants. If he is having a massive session he will take his readings to keep an eye on things.

The Dr's orders for him was just ensure everyone around you know you have diabetes. The big risk is that him getting drunk and passing out is very similar to his blood sugar levels getting to low. When this happens people may think he has just passed out drunk but in fact he could be dieing because his low sugar levels have caused him to pass out. This is when he needs to be injected with a special insulin that he always has in the fridge.

He is 27 now and has been going strong for a good 10 years. Hasnt stopped him drinking almost every weekend. When he goes spirits he has diets as mixers.

Beers wise its all good! just keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.
In regards to kit advice, go forth and make what he likes.

My bro has done beez neezs, corona's, little creatures, you name it.

Just about moderation and control

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