
Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. C

    Sweet Mead

    Hey Guys, Im think about brewing some mead for my better half, so it pretty much has to be syrup with alcohol added :P. Has anyone got any simple sweet mead recipes, im thinking about making 10 litres in my 30 L fermenter. Thanks
  2. D

    Mead- Brewing Stopped Due To Heat

    Hi all, Brewing a mead with EC-1118. It has been going for 1 week or so and has never fermented vigorously, with bubbling at a steady rate of between one bubble per 10-20 seconds. However, bubbling is really slowing down now. I had hoped to put it into a secondary after two weeks, and let sit...
  3. A

    Mead For Newbe

    Hi thankyou for all your input i started a brew just one last question when or how long should I see it start bubling
  4. A

    Mead For Newbe

    Hi everyone Yes a new mead brewer :rolleyes: All i want to know is the basics, I want to make a medium to very sweet mead almost Sack mead I was told by a home brew shop to use their wine yeast 5g for 20lt and honey about 1.3-1.5kg to every 4lters :blink: which is app 7.5 -8kg Any input...
  5. D

    Beginner Mead Maker - Yeast Comparison

    Hi all! well, i have tried a couple of meads, well melomels, but they failed as I did not sterilise the fruit enough... I have decided to go back to first principles: honey, water, yeast will try a metheglin next. And i was going to try different strains/manufacturers of yeast ( I ahve 2 x 15...
  6. D

    Mead And Headspace

    Hello, well, my first mead experiemnts went badly but gave me a taste for improving the process. i would like to use a larger, plastic fermenter rather than the smaller 5L glass jugs, which I found difficult to rack/bottle from (maybe my technique could be improved...) I have access to a 15L...
  7. T

    Mead Brew Day

    This is the recipe and process for a quick little mead I make, it's a ever so slight variation on Joe's ancient orange mead (look on Recipe for 12L -5kg orange blossom honey (I use cold extracted and but it in a 5kg tub for $30) -3 oranges (What ever ones take my...
  8. M

    Equipment And Additives For First Mead - Advice Please

    Hi all, I am a beekeeper getting started with meadmaking. I have some very aromatic tasty urban honey I think would make great mead but have been seriously confused about advice I have received today for brewing my first batch. I have bought Ken Schramms book and was going to follow his...
  9. brettprevans

    Mead Sugar Break Times

    ok so this is more of a request for info than me providsing info. I think it would be useful for mead makers out ther to provide data on the fermentation times of their meads so new makers can have a good resource. eg. type of mead (ie pure mead, fruit mead, braggot), %alc, time to 1/3 sugar...
  10. M

    Wild Fermented Wine & Mead- Help?

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can help me.. I've started two small bottles of a elder berry wine (about 1 L) and another one which is a hibiscus mead (about 1 L). For the hibiscus wine i'm trying to make it with wild yeasts, so how I made it was: I basically just filled the bottle with water...
  11. Verbyla

    Summer Mead Experiment.

    I started a JAO roughly 7 weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting, watching and reading about the entire process. I don't know what to expect but i'm still getting what people have referred to as the "mead bug" and want to experiment with different things before i do anything on a larger...
  12. davewaldo

    Dave's Meads

    Hi everyone, I had a great time out at Chappo's today brewing and sampling several peoples beers. Thanks guys! I also shared a couple of my meads with everyone. They seemed to be well received and I was asked to post some of the details and recipes. So here goes.... I don't intend this to be...
  13. Count Vorlauf

    Where To Get Meadmaking Honey? (melbourne)

    G'day, Bit of a newb question here. Looking to launch into some meadmaking. In the past I've paid out the nose for honey in 1 and 2 kg containers at the local deli/provender. Just wondering if there are any good tips on where to buy it in larger quantities (7 or 8 kg), and hopefully at a...
  14. W

    Simplest Mead

    Hi all mead gurus, I'm planning for my next mead (besides the JAO v2) I'd like to do a simple straight honey, water, yeast mead. I was thinking: 1.5 Kg honey 4L water Some variety of yeast (US05?). So what I'm wondering is: what would be the recommended yeast to give a sweet mead?
  15. D

    Mead Help

    Hi Guys, Im new to AussieHomeBrewer and home brewing in general, I have done 3 homebrews myself, but they have all been from those cans of Coopers that you find in the supermarket, anyway they all turned out terrible, and had an awful yeasty taste and aroma about them, and they never actually...
  16. Airgead

    Red Mead

    Folks My Missus can't drink red wine. She is allergic to grape histamines. She loves mead though so I am trying to create a mead with similar characteristics to a light red wine. The most common characteristics in red wine (as identified through a thoroughly unscientific review of all the red...
  17. W

    Strawberry Mead

    Hi guys, I'm thinking about putting down another mead while I wait for the JOA to finish. I found this recipe online: I'm thinking that I'll just use one type of honey from a local producer. I won't boil the honey, I'll just warm it enough to mix nicely, add the fruit, then allow to cool...
  18. Doc

    Doc's Mead

    Mead has been something I've been planning to do for years. This arvo I finally did it. I've read lots about making mead, from the simple to the advanced methods and was getting more and more confused. Finally figured it was time to stop procrastinating and just do it. I've had 3kg of honey...
  19. D

    First Meads (plus Cider With Leftovers)

    Hello all, Thanks to assistance from a few forum members, particular mention goes to Brewer Pete and Airgead (Dave), I finally got some small batches of mead on the go. As with my first brew (a vider), it was a "suck it and see" approach. Two 4 L meads were made, basically the same except for...
  20. D

    New Mead Maker- Questions

    Hello, I am going to try brewing mead for some Xmas presents... I am going to buy some 5L demijohns for this purpose rather than use a large fermenter. This is my plan but I may be incorrect... - ok, so I add water + honey + yeast + nutrient(?) to a 5L demijohn - after it has finished...