
Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Yuz

    BIAB / partial mash Esky conversion

    I'm hoping to locate a suitable tap/ball valve assembly with long enough stem for fitting to an Esky. I have my doubts about those "weldless" eBay offerings because they seem to be more for a stock pot conversion and don't have much faith in these very ordinary things... Any guidance on this...
  2. Hez

    BIAB American Amber Ale

    Hi, For my next beer I want to make an American style Amber Ale. I've been reading and studying as usual... American Amber: Style Profile: American Amber Ale Recipes and Beer Style:
  3. Hez


    Hi, I have a lot of Chinook hops leftovers and I'd like to make an IPA. I was thinking about buying other hops but I eventually ran into a recipe called: "Chinook IPA". Apparently, it's so popular, Northen Brewer sells a kit for that but I'm doing BIAB and from scratch, as usual... I'm not...
  4. goatchop41

    Milling directly in to bag for BIAB

    Does anyone do this? If so, how does your efficiency compare to the classic method of doughing in, with the bag already in the mash water? I am looking for ways to save time during my brew days (even a few minutes here and there adds up). I've just read through a thread of HBT about it, but...
  5. Hez

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    After having read quite a bit about Weissbier and having tasted a couple of hundreds of them (my favourite is the HB) I decided I want to brew one. Links: Light Article: Detailed Article...
  6. Lionel Orford

    BIAB Kit For Sale - Brisbane

    Hi Potential All Grain Brewers :-) This 24L SS stockpot (sold as 26L) has been adapted for Brew in a Bag allgrain brewing. Kit includes pot, drainer basket and grate as shown. $50 pick up from Geebung. To move from "Kit and Kilo" or Extract brewing to making excellent all-grain beer, you...
  7. BrockHops

    Base malts for new AG BIABer

    G'day, Just slowly gearing myself up to BIAB. I've been kit/extract brewing using spec grains and hops for a few years and ready for a slide down the slippery slope.. My question is what are the staple grains to keep in stock? Mainly brewing Pales, stouts, keen to knock up some Germans, Helles/...
  8. simmo1972

    Pick up for Crown Urn

    Evening all, I have a Crown Urn and have connected a hop bazooka to the ball valve. I'm finding that I am being left, on average, with around 2.5 litres of trub. I use a hop sock although if I have multiple additions I only use it for the first @60 (I am getting a hop spider at weekend) and...
  9. jackgym

    Keg King

    Hi Anyone using a Keg King temp. controller? According to the , it has a 6.5 mm diameter probe. This would just about slide up the drain hole in my fridge. Has anyone used this method? The other alternative is just having it through the door between the door seal and the fridge. I presume the...
  10. jackgym

    Wine fridge at Aldi

    Hi This is my first time here. I used to brew years ago and thinking seriously of getting back into it. After reading a lot on the web the main concern seems to be the fermenting temperature. Aldi have a wine fridge coming on special on Wed. August 5 ($299) which has cooling and heating...
  11. M

    Keg King turbo boiler - any experiences?

    Having offloaded my AG gear and moved to 12L BIAB stovetop batches, I've falling prey to the 'just one more bit of gear' bug. I'm looking at Keg King's turbo boiler as a way of getting out of the kitchen into the garage, and allowing for larger batches once in a while. Searching the forums...
  12. Brookpetrie

    Recirculating BIAB etup

    Hi all, Am currently doing a recirculating BIAB setup on my 38L pot based on this one from high I can't seem to find any info on what sort of nozzle they use though. What are thoughts on this spiral one in...
  13. welly2

    Chilling the wort up here in the top end!

    Looking for more advice! I've had success with a copper immersion chiller in slightly cooler climes. I'm a little concerned that it may not be as effective up here, particularly as the water out of the tap is tepid to say the least. I wonder if a plate chiller might be more effective, if I was...
  14. B

    Converting a commercial keg to a homebrew keg

    I am thinking of removing the spear etc from a keg [ after de-gassing it] I thought I would buy a coupler of e-bay so I could use the keg like I do my cornie kegs & my 23L kegs. My question is what do I use to pick up the beer, will the spear attach to the coupler ? or do I need to purchase...
  15. DJ_L3ThAL

    Keggle heat shroud / shield - getting more out of LPG

    After much deliberation and time wasted with my small 3-ring burner slow ramp times and using manticle's large 4-ring and seeing the other side with the ability to not spend 60% of a brew day just waiting for the heat, the efficient greeny in me decided I'd give the heat shroud idea a go to see...
  16. Damn

    Electric Fruit Preserver aka Beer Maker I know this has been bought up before but I'm surprised it hasn't been pursued more? I can see this as the El-cheapo Aldi...
  17. silverbrew

    Wort Pumps

    Hi All first post for me, I am currently looking at building a brew rig and was wondering what kind of pump are you guys all using for recirculating your wort WRT BIAB? Secondly where can i get them from and what prices am i looking at? Thanks All in advance
  18. Yeastfridge

    Attaching a ball valve to my kettle - weldless or weld?

    Is it worth paying to have a pipe nipple or coupling welded onto my brewing pot or should I just go with the weldless setup? I recently bought a 3 piece stainless steel ball valve and a weldless compression fitting setup. I brew in a bag, and recently started no chilling, so having a tap and...
  19. BreadMurderer

    BIAB and other questions

    So folks not to sound like a stuck record but I'm arriving from Beijing to Melbourne and staying with a mate. I want to get back into brewing (my experience is 6+ months AG, 3 vessel) BUT I'll be on a budget, don't want to fill her house with brewing equipment and I'm not used to the climate of...
  20. Spiesy

    Brewing Systems: BIAB, 2V, 3V, BM etc.

    So, I'm interested in upgrading from my 70l BIAB system. Homebrew is easily my biggest hobby and passion in life, has been for a couple of years now, and I'm only getting more obsessed with time. I've read up a bit on 3V RIMS (which I'm keen on), 3V HERMS (which I'm not so keen on) and then...