Shorten / ALP - bigoted xenophobes.

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Le roi est mort..
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They should have put an insightful, impartial and empathetic journalist to work on that ad - such as Andrew Bolt.
Seeing as most Australians ( 90 odd%) happen to be from white European ancestry, this ad seems to be representative of average Aussies. Just more political storm in a teacup stuff.
Won't be long until companies will be labelled racist for having this logo.

Aus made logo.png
while I'm not really keen on the nationalist overtones of the ad, the people in it probably are a fair representation of the general Australian population. 10 "white" people, one "asian" and a bloke with a tan.

At the 2011 census residents were asked to describe their ancestry, in which up to two could be nominated. Proportionate to the Australian resident population, the most commonly nominated ancestries were:[38][39]

English (36.1%)
Australian (35.4%)
Irish (10.4%)
Scottish (8.9%)
Italian (4.6%)
German (4.5%)
Chinese (4.3%)
Indigenous Australians (3.0%)
Indian (2.1%)
Greek (1.9%)
Dutch (1.4%)
Filipino (0.99%)
Vietnamese (0.98%)
Lebanese (0.90%)
Polish (0.75%)
Maltese (0.72%)
Māori (0.62%)
Croatian (0.56%)
Welsh (0.50%)
French (0.49%)
Sri Lankan (0.46%)
Jewish (0.43%)
Couldn't access the link as it's behind the paywall of a publication owned by Gollum's granddad. As such, any comments in that fake rag aren't worth a pinch of shit.
Liam_snorkel said:
while I'm not really keen on the nationalist overtones of the ad, the people in it probably are a fair representation of the general Australian population. 10 "white" people, one "asian" and a bloke with a tan.
so is the bloke with a tan Welsh or a Kiwi?
Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there are five people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad, or maybe my older brother Colin, or maybe my younger brother Ho-Ching Wah. But I'm pretty sure it's Colin.
evoo4u said:
Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there are five people in my family, so it must be one of them. It's either my mum or my dad, or maybe my older brother Colin, or maybe my younger brother Ho-Ching Wah. But I'm pretty sure it's Colin.
Surely two whites don't make a wong?
Ducatiboy stu said:
Well, it wasn't YAWN for Troy Bramston I'll have you know.
I can just see him almost dislocating his thumbs as he opens his twitter account and gets busy texting his outrage.
Dave70 said:
Well, it wasn't YAWN for Troy Bramston I'll have you know.
I can just see him almost dislocating his thumbs as he opens his twitter account and gets busy texting his outrage.
He probably got payed as much as a junior train driver to write that article
Isn't he the guy who reported on the case where someone's kid got turned into a fish finger by aliens?
Shame really. Basic message that they want to employ Australians isn't really that evil is it?
@Bridges, I don't think that the message is what's getting everybody's goat.
As the leaders of complaining about everyone else and their bigotry, the labor party has been caught making a basic error of marketing. A first year political science student knows that if you are going to be throwing stones, you don't do it from a glass house.
Ducatiboy stu said:
He probably got payed as much as a junior train driver to write that article
I believe the politically correct term is "trainee" train driver.

Either way; that's a shit tonne of cash!
I finally got to see the ad on another site.

My impression is that the actual studio set is a bit flat and boring, it could have benefited by including a slope or two.
Lemon said:
@Bridges, I don't think that the message is what's getting everybody's goat.
As the leaders of complaining about everyone else and their bigotry, the labor party has been caught making a basic error of marketing. A first year political science student knows that if you are going to be throwing stones, you don't do it from a glass house.
Henceforth, all political advertising shall contain representatives of at least two dozen ethnic backgrounds and at least four - or four and a half - individuals from the LGBT community.

Alternatively, the candidate may elect to give their address wearing a Hands Around The World T shirt whilst standing under a rainbow flag.

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