RecipeDB - Kenzie Dunkle

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HB so good, it will raise the dead
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Kenzie Dunkle

Specialty - Munich Dunkel
* * * * - 3 Votes

Brewer's Notes

For the 2009 Vic X,as in July Caseswap.
Used k97 yeast but wanted to use W2308 or W2450PC but dont have time for a lager and the other isnt in stock.
was shooting for about 15IBU. any lowAA not in your face hops would do.
oh also the dark malt extract should have been liquid but i had dry that i wanted to use up.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
0.2 kg Weyermann Caramunich III
0.1 kg Weyermann Munich II
0.1 kg BB Ale Malt
1.1 kg Generic DME - Dark
1 kg Generic DME - Light


Time Grams Variety Form AA
25 g Tettnang (Pellet, 4.5AA%, 60mins)
15 g Tettnang (Pellet, 4.5AA%, 30mins)
15 g Tettnang (Pellet, 4.5AA%, 2mins)


12 g DCL Yeast K-97 - SafAle German Ale
21L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.042 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.011 (calc)
  • Bitterness 21.9 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 4.02%
  • Colour 21 EBC


  • Primary 14 days
  • Conditioning 2 days
this recipe is currently too light in colour I think. needs to be another 10-15 EBC darker. It should still have a slightly sweet solid malt taste though, which is what im after, ala Kozel Cerny.

If you wanted to change the recipe to get the darker colour, some specialty grains would do the trick. maybe 50g of choc and 100g dark crystal for complexity, bigger dark malt ratio. you still dont want it above 4%alc though
original recipe
1.1 kg Generic DME - Dark
1 kg Generic DME - Light
0.2 kg Weyermann Caramunich III
0.1 kg Weyermann Munich II
0.1 kg BB Ale Malt
25 g Tettnang (Pellets, 4.0 AA%, 60 mins)
15 g Tettnang (Pellets, 4.0 AA%, 30 mins)
15 g Tettnang (Pellets, 4.0 AA%, 2 mins)
12 g DCL Yeast K-97 - SafAle German Ale

made a few adjustments on the fly when making this on the weekend (mods below are for a single batch)
increased dark malt by 0.25kg
decreased light malt by 0.25kg
added a hop schedule - 15g @ 0

I made a double batch and whilst and typing all this up i realised I have f*cked up. Ive doubled everything except for hops. so IBU is only about 12 rather than the 15-20 IBU I wanted.

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