RecipeDB - Biere a l'orange

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Biere a l'orange

Specialty - Oud Bruin
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Brewer's Notes

Ingredients should also include zest and rind from 5 sour oranges.
Steeped chocolate, crystal and carapils. Slightly caramelized sugar with zest of 2 oranges and juice of 1. Boiled all wort for 6 hours. 30g Goldings @45. Juice & rind of remaining oranges for 15.
The oranges used are a variety of wild or sour oranges. They have a strong tartness and impart this on the beer.
The 6 hour boil also impart a much redder colour than is displayed here, which is the whole idea of the technique.
I got the basis for the recipe from the great beer styles range, in the Belgian one.
This is an amazing beer. Early on the tartness was extremely strong, almost lambic like, but it has faded to a tart end to the taste.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
0.1 kg Weyermann Carapils(Carafoam)
0.07 kg TF Crystal
0.03 kg JWM Chocolate Malt
3 kg Generic LME - Light
0.1 kg Brown Sugar (dark)


Time Grams Variety Form AA
30 g Styrian Goldings (Pellet, 5.4AA%, 45mins)
20 g Styrian Goldings (Pellet, 5.4AA%, 0mins)


11 g DCL Yeast T-58 - SafBrew Specialty Ale
20L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.048 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.013 (calc)
  • Bitterness 19.3 IBU
  • Efficiency 65%
  • Alcohol 4.54%
  • Colour 21 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days

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