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  1. Hangover68

    First Biab - Forgot The Irish Moss

    Would have come back as great northern by now :)
  2. Hangover68

    First Biab - Forgot The Irish Moss

    Holy grave dig Batman, last post was 14 years ago.
  3. Hangover68

    I have acquired a keg and want to safely depressurise it.

    Unless its got beer in it its unlikely to be under pressure.
  4. Hangover68

    New to Kegging - Jockey Box + 30L keg question

    It will work but i think a couple of 19l cornies will be easier to handle and maneuver , i use a corny with a neoprene jacket which keeps it cold for hours.
  5. Hangover68

    I used the WRONG yeast

    brew another lager then blend the 2, done it a few times before.
  6. Hangover68

    Maximum Weevil percentage ?

    added protein, should be charging more :)
  7. Hangover68

    Forgot the yeast

    Pour it back into a sterilised fermenter, bring it up to room temp then pitch the yeast. I'd do a quick taste test to make sure it didn't go off or oxidise.
  8. Hangover68

    Beer excise tax killing off Aussie craft breweries

    I haven't found a craft beer that i would drink on a regular basis, most are overpriced, over hopped and bitter.
  9. Hangover68

    Seeking Advice on Homemade Mayonnaise

    Did you add vinegar ? I've always whisked the egg yolk and mustard then gradually add oil until it starts to thicken, then add vinegar and continue whisking until its firm then season to taste (salt/pepper) you can add a little warm water if its too thick. Can also use olive oil to make it aioli.
  10. Hangover68

    Berliner Weiss FWK with Philly Sour Yeast?

    i would use a wheat beer FWK.
  11. Hangover68

    KVass in carboy need help

    Dunno, looks like sewer water. Why are you using bread, some kind of prison brew ?
  12. Hangover68

    Brigalow ginger beer kit substitute

    Get a Morgans kit, i kegged one 2 weeks ago and its in the keezer now on tap - bloody beautiful it is. I pimped it out - 1kg of brown sugar 1 cinnamon stick 4 cloves 2 small chillies OG 1.036 FG 1.004
  13. Hangover68

    King Island Hops.

    Great find for the new brewery.
  14. Hangover68

    Ginger Beer - The need for nutrient.

    You could make a starter with the mad milie or use the US-05, i wouldn't use the kit yeast.