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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Hangover68

    First Biab - Forgot The Irish Moss

    Would have come back as great northern by now :)
  2. Hangover68

    First Biab - Forgot The Irish Moss

    Holy grave dig Batman, last post was 14 years ago.
  3. Hangover68

    I have acquired a keg and want to safely depressurise it.

    Unless its got beer in it its unlikely to be under pressure.
  4. Hangover68

    New to Kegging - Jockey Box + 30L keg question

    It will work but i think a couple of 19l cornies will be easier to handle and maneuver , i use a corny with a neoprene jacket which keeps it cold for hours.
  5. Hangover68

    I used the WRONG yeast

    brew another lager then blend the 2, done it a few times before.
  6. Hangover68

    Maximum Weevil percentage ?

    added protein, should be charging more :)
  7. Hangover68

    Forgot the yeast

    Pour it back into a sterilised fermenter, bring it up to room temp then pitch the yeast. I'd do a quick taste test to make sure it didn't go off or oxidise.
  8. Hangover68

    Beer excise tax killing off Aussie craft breweries

    I haven't found a craft beer that i would drink on a regular basis, most are overpriced, over hopped and bitter.
  9. Hangover68

    Seeking Advice on Homemade Mayonnaise

    Did you add vinegar ? I've always whisked the egg yolk and mustard then gradually add oil until it starts to thicken, then add vinegar and continue whisking until its firm then season to taste (salt/pepper) you can add a little warm water if its too thick. Can also use olive oil to make it aioli.
  10. Hangover68

    Berliner Weiss FWK with Philly Sour Yeast?

    i would use a wheat beer FWK.
  11. Hangover68

    KVass in carboy need help

    Dunno, looks like sewer water. Why are you using bread, some kind of prison brew ?
  12. Hangover68

    Brigalow ginger beer kit substitute

    Get a Morgans kit, i kegged one 2 weeks ago and its in the keezer now on tap - bloody beautiful it is. I pimped it out - 1kg of brown sugar 1 cinnamon stick 4 cloves 2 small chillies OG 1.036 FG 1.004
  13. Hangover68

    King Island Hops.

    Great find for the new brewery.
  14. Hangover68

    Ginger Beer - The need for nutrient.

    You could make a starter with the mad milie or use the US-05, i wouldn't use the kit yeast.
  15. Hangover68

    2023 - What are you brewing?

    Got an AG Pacific Ale clone on the go and a Morgans ginger beer. The aroma from laundry is amazing ! PA clone 3.5kg pale malt 500g amber malt 1kg toasted wheat malt 20g POR 60 min 10g Galaxy 10 min 40g Galaxy flame out US-05 Ginger beer Morgans kit 1kg brown sugar 1 cinnamon stick 4 cloves 2...
  16. Hangover68

    Anyone used the AUS-05 yeast from Kegland?

    Is it packed in individual packets or the whole 500g is loose ?
  17. Hangover68

    New to this forum, hoping to learn more about no-chill

    I've been using the no-chill method since moving to AG brewing and find it works well for me. Less gear to clean and spreading brewday over into the next day is no issue.
  18. Hangover68

    Temperature Control after bottling and during long term storage.

    You should be pretty safe under the house especially if its partially dug out.