Wyeast Private Collection- Summer 2010

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Quick heads up on the new summer strains arriving next month at most good HBS's


Cheers Ross
Looks like it's time to tackle my first Berliner-weisse!
Looks like it's time to tackle my first Berliner-weisse!

Gotta say thats the one that caught my eye. Thanks for sharing Ross :icon_cheers:

OT, was just thinking how ridiculously quick this forum has improved my brews and understanding of the process; it was only 6 months ago I was quite (blindly) content with Cascade kit yeast... now I'm hanging to see the seasonally released liquids
Nice! Ive been wanting to try a berlin wheat for a while.

Just remember, guys, get a spare plastic everything when you introduce lacto and brett into your system, because it aint coming out ever again.
Trust me on this.
Nice! Ive been wanting to try a berlin wheat for a while.

Just remember, guys, get a spare plastic everything when you introduce lacto and brett into your system, because it aint coming out ever again.
Trust me on this.
Do you have spacific experience with these creatures to justify our trusting you or is it heresay?

HD :icon_cheers:
Do you have spacific experience with these creatures to justify our trusting you or is it heresay?

HD :icon_cheers:
Do I ever.
Last year I invited the dregs of 2 bottles of Orval to jazz up an otherwise uninteresting tripple I made with the Candian seasonal yeast of the year.
This made for an awesome beer, and I was totally stoked with the outcome of the tripple and it dropped down to 1002 from SG1078 due to the orval dregs.

However, the next four batches of beer I made, while tasty in the bottle after two weeks, slowly got more and more carbonated and picked up a sour and acidic taste. While reasonably tasty in an APA, this was disasterous in a stout and a smoked robust porter. It was clear after a couple of months, that the wild yeasts had got into everything.

I tried different cleaning methods, but since all my gear is plastic, I figgad that some must be residing in the micro scratches in the plastic, so I tossed most of it out.
I still have one offending fermenter and two cubes that are definately infected with this stuff, because I do so enjoy the sour beers. My mates are calling it my house character. :icon_cheers:

In the past 6 months, though, the wild yeasts have not made it into the two new fermenters or 6 new cubes, so I can brew normal beer again without fear.

Dont fear the lacto and the brett, but do keep evrythign seperate. :icon_drunk:
I think I'd better get some more of that BW yeast. Tasty stuff IMO.

And just to balance out Swinging Beef's comments, I've used brett and other bugs in my brewery (that 3911 yeast and the Roselare yeast) and haven't found that it has contaminated later batches. Certainly not doubting that this has happened in SB's brewery, just that this is not my experience with it. I have tended to use those fermenters for sour/brett beers after that though. However, I have used them at times and have never had any issues with that either.
If wild yeasts would remain in my plastic fermenters regardless of any sanitation regimes then I would have to assume it would be equally possible for any previous yeast that I've used to likewise infect my brews. Not to mention Lactobacillus and every other bacteria known to man that's living in my house. Scary, what am I brewing and what's it doing to me? As long as it tastes good and doesn't kill me I'm beastly careless but perhaps it's time for glass or SS.
Hey rossco, when do u think 1469 and 1768 wyeast will be available again?

Early this year a few of us did a mass email to Wyeast to pester them for 1469 as a permanent yeast, they said they would look at it but in any case it should be back in October/November. They bring it out for the Northern Autumn which is a bugger as it's getting on to our hot weather. Check Gryphon Brewing for Proculture Wood Ale, which is surprisingly :ph34r: similar to 1469.

I'm going to try that new Lager Yeast, I reckon it would be great in a US Cream Ale, fermented highish.
While reasonably tasty in an APA, this was disasterous in a stout and a smoked robust porter.

Wow, I guess that is why there are so many different beer styles, cause everyones tastes are different. BUT, bret or lacto in an APA is a dogs breakfast in my experience, but give me a stout or porter with either (or both) of those and we are talking. Originally, most stouts and porters in London had bret in it, along with it in any aged beers. The name brettanomyces actually means British Fungus. Or something.
Just thought I would offer an opposing opinion! And technically, you should be able to use plastic that has had brett in it, as long as you have a good sanitation regime, but it IS easier to have dedicated sour plastics.
All the best
Not a very exciting or even different Summer collection.

Lock it in Eddie.
I didnt subscribe to what I would like Stuster,
I posted its a fairly IMO ordinary line up.
Kolsch? how many strains have been done FFS. Its not a beer/style deserving of an "edition" yeast.
Talk the English style aka Yorkshire and there`s a beer/style brewers want to brew. Maybe its an American thing.
Lager/Cal Common yeast is again like the lets redo it again . Its out there and been out there. Why not come up with something more appropriate to American lagers and their propriety yeasts.
The BW is interesting nonetheless, I can see that walking off the shelves but the first 2 = boring!

Suggestions? Larger smack packs i.e 250 ml