What Packet Yeast Is That?

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My local HBS supplies the same packet yeast with ALL the kits they sell. They're not real sure what strain it is either :blink: ... only that its an "ale yeast" of some kind.

Anyone think they might know? I'm just curious ...

It comes in a white packet with "Pacific Brewing" printed on it.
All the Coopers kits i have every brewed, ales and lagers, have a packet of yeast labelled "Pure brewer's yeast".

I wouldnt have a clue what was really in these packets.
this packet comes mainly with esb kits, although it's been in others I've tried. i think they put it in with all the "beermakers" kits - except the mexican cervesa.

the brewshop bloke says it a "tough general purpose ale yeast for warmer temperatures" :unsure:
A quess would be safale SO4. My local HBS buys it in bulk then repackages it up into 7g sachets. They could be doing the same.

Cheers, Justin
Just had a look at my stocks. They have "Pacific brewing" on them too. The green print is lager yeast and the red print is ale yeast. Dunno if it helps though?
only use the red label around my part of the world i'd reckon? B)

HBS would be trying to ensure "happy" customers by providing a yeast that's going to work provided you follow the destructions ...
I've done some work for Burns Philp, they are a huge food/spice company. They have a branch called Mauri Yeast which has a lab in Nrth Ryde (NSW) and a huge culturing plant out at Moorebank. I think these guys provide most of the 'unbranded' yeast in Australia.
I've also done some work for a packaging company that package the yeast for Morgans. I believe they use the Mauri yeast in their packs.. but I'm not 100%
My guess is that it's Mauri 514 too, seems to be the most popular strain used in brew tins. From memory it has a wide ferm range, something like 14-24*C.
Grumpy's supply 12g of Safale S-33 (15-24*C) and Coopers have 7g of their own strain that isn't the same as their commercial product.