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Was having a laugh today with a mate about stupid things we send our apprentices to do. here's a few, add to the list what you think is good.

for smoko:
2 Randy tarts
Honey rollover, lettuce on top

tin of compression
angle grinder sparks
left handed screwdriver
12" population tool
bucket of steam
bucket of compressed air

all I can think of at the moment.
A few more
Water pump for a volkswagon (beetle and combi)
Drill for a square hole
I'll take two randy tarts, please.
get them to get a can of spray on silicon

or can of spot welds

right angle rivets
Tin of elbow grease

A long wait

Shake the spray can till you break up the lump

A finger extractor

Rubber centre punch
When I first started my training, I got caught with the long weight gag. Then a toolmaker sent me to the toolstore for an elastic wheel(a cutoff disc for all you IT guys). I refused to take him seriously and got into really serious ****!
I always liked the story about the guy that goes to the lumber yard for some lengths of 4 x 2. When asked how long do you want them? He replied Oh we want them for a while I am building a chook shed!
Sky Hooks

Left handed screwdrivers

Spirit level Bubbles
Metric shifter was a good one & left-hand spanner, another.
Does anyone ever had the funnel trick done to them?
yep chucky asked for that and been asked for that in my time in the navy.

I assume the funnel thing is similar to a feed check?

W had a young fella go check the sparkplugs on our Diesel main engines, 20 minutes later we broke him the news. Then we told him to check the spark plugs on our boilers. After the stink he kicked up we showed him where they were and explained to him that a boiler needs something to start the fire.
timmy said:
yep chucky asked for that and been asked for that in my time in the navy.

I assume the funnel thing is similar to a feed check?

W had a young fella go check the sparkplugs on our Diesel main engines, 20 minutes later we broke him the news. Then we told him to check the spark plugs on our boilers. After the stink he kicked up we showed him where they were and explained to him that a boiler needs something to start the fire.
Yeah Timmy, the funnel thing, when you said you arseume your'e preety well spot on. :angry:

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