VIC. 2015 Xmas in July - Recipe.

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F'Nur...F'Nur.....I was expecting that response, but I didn't expect it from YOU Mardoo!!

K.eep I.t S.imple S.hithead!!

PS. If you want to listen to KISS, bring your IPod & be prepared to go for a Loooong walk...... ;)
I shall see what I can lay my paws on.. A sack or 2 of Munich perhaps?

We can of course change it up, happy to go with the collective decision.. Just don't take all week as I need to get the order in mid next week.
I'll have a crack:

76% Pale
20% Munich
3% Amber
1% Roast Barley

Although I'll add I can never seem to get the amber malt to tick my boxes. fell into the clutches of my cunning plan.....put me down for 2 bags of JW Trad & 2 of MO... :p
whatever comes home with me will probably go into the bourbon barrel for 6months with god know what else but it better be frikkin good, and there upon I lay my trust in thee
As many bags of golden promise as required.
Roast barley mainly to add dry roast balance and colour, taking into account the 3+hour boil. Or just gp + long boil. Do it guys.
Midnight Brew said:
I'll have a crack:

76% Pale
20% Munich
3% Amber
1% Roast Barley

Although I'll add I can never seem to get the amber malt to tick my boxes.
I'd go:
75% Pale (pref MO or GP)
18% Munich
6% Amber (ideally Simpsons)
1% Roast Barley

I'm starting to really like my Simpson's Amber.
I should probably mention i've never done a Scotttish Ale, so i could be going off spec.
Just my 2c
I should be able to land the Simpsons GP or the MO if that's the direction we want to go?

Martin? Your show soldier, call it in and I'll send off the Req

150kg Golden Promise
50kg Munich or 25kg Munich and 25kg Imperial

+ (Side order)

2 MO
I've just been having a play with some numbers in Beersmith & wanting to stay with easy numbers (ie. multiples of bags):

150Kg GP (80.4%)
25Kg JW Munich (13.4%)
10Kg JW Amber (5.4%)
1.5Kg JW Roast Barley (0.8%)
1.5Kg EKG Pellets (assumed 5%)

In a 500L batch, this should get us into the mid-1080's with around 30 IBU & 30 EBC.

Also, we need to give some consideration to water treatment, since we're on tank water & it's effectively a blank canvas. I've measured our tank water at PH 5.4, but not sure how accurate that is, 'cos I've always had about PH 5.2-5.4 in the mash. I suggest something in the 75-100ppm range Calcium, so I can make-up a "stock" solution of CaCl & add it @ 1:100.

How's everybody with that plan?
All sounding great thus far! Well done guys!
Recipe looks great, Martin! Happy to go with that.

Just a random "complicating" question:
I've got heaps of midnight wheat that I'm unlikely to use, ever. Is it possible to sub some of the RB with MW? I can cover a full 1.5kg, but I'm guessing we still need some RB in there. Given MW can be a bit more subtle, how about 1kg MW and 1kg RB?
Happy to forget this if it just sounds too risky for such a large batch. I know how you guys prefer to avoid risk...
You measure your water at pH 5.4?? You mean during the mash or just straight water? That's seriously low if it's out of the tap!
Is it worth throwing in a few 100g's of acidulated to ensure it's below 5.4 and keep a decent efficiency?
Yob I thought you were joking about the side order. I was thinking of coming down to get the barrel and maybe going to KK to get a couple of bags of grain. You wouldn't be able to bring it and the barrel up to the swap would you please? If you had the room that is. I'd throw in some petrol money for the trip.

+(side order)

MO 4