VIC. 2015 Xmas in July - Recipe.

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person to get cheapest 200kg of base gets to ride piggyback on the kilt wearer?
I will shout a 25kg bag of base to go into the mix, Gladfield pale ok?
I might not be around to help with breakfast tho that's the deal...
Yob said:
Should be able to manage it.

I won't be fitting any equipment (maybe the mill) in along with it though...
I'll provide my trailer to you for transportation of the sacks of base. Mill would be appreciated.

Hey! You'll actually now be able to squeeze a sleeping bag into the car!!

BTW, 'goes without saying that those that rock-up on the Friday get first-dib's to spec-out their sleeping-possie INSIDE the shed (complete with mega slow-combustion heater) for the weekend & avoid the chills (we've already had snow up here a couple of weeks ago).
droid said:
I will shout a 25kg bag of base to go into the mix, Gladfield pale ok?
I might not be around to help with breakfast tho that's the deal...
All contributions gratefully received. Let us know how much $'s & we'll divvie-up the costs between all the punters on the day (I don't want anyone out of pocket or feeling sour-grapes for over-contribution & not getting value for it).

Breakfast dealings are the responsibility of the catering team (this time led by our illustrious AJ80. Mad, impulsive fool that he is......!).
OK, Yob. Good idea. I was only working from memory.

FWIW, I did a test-batch with 90% Pale/9% Amber/1% Roast Barley a couple of weekends ago. Still in the fermenter, but I reckon it's a little dark. Maybe cut it back on the RB to 0.75-0.5%? I'll let you know better once the hydrometer test sample settles overnight (unlikely - it's still going, currently about 1050). Doesn't tast bad right now, 'though!!
I'll bring my mill with or without chain/sprocket guarding(working on that and making it more usable). I don't forsee anything going wrong with it but if someone has some kind of backup it would be nice.
I think Yob's going to bring a mill too, so we should have that aspect sorted.

Whilst I think of it....never been involved in the Friday-night preamble before. I assume the grains get milled back into their original bags, or do we pre-load the MLT(s) & underlet for mash-in?

MartinOC said:
BTW, 'goes without saying that those that rock-up on the Friday get first-dib's to spec-out their sleeping-possie INSIDE the shed (complete with mega slow-combustion heater) for the weekend & avoid the chills (we've already had snow up here a couple of weeks ago).
Cool. I've slept with frost on my swag before so snow sounds good. I'd love to wake up and see snow all around. If it's wet and miserable I'm in the shed. Or car.
MartinOC said:
OK, Yob. Good idea. I was only working from memory.

FWIW, I did a test-batch with 90% Pale/9% Amber/1% Roast Barley a couple of weekends ago. Still in the fermenter, but I reckon it's a little dark. Maybe cut it back on the RB to 0.75-0.5%? I'll let you know better once the hydrometer test sample settles overnight (unlikely - it's still going, currently about 1050). Doesn't tast bad right now, 'though!!
Further to this, I actually used Dingemann's Biscuit rather than Amber (which I forgot until just now...).

I just dropped it & it's definitely rather dark, so cutting-back on the RB is probably a good idea. It could also be that I boiled the absolute bejeezus out of the first-runnings.
I just made one with 87%MO, 6% Ding biscuit, 6% Munich, 1% RB. Taste great, but also too dark (boiled for 3 hours though).
Black n Tan said:
I just made one with 87%MO, 6% Ding biscuit, 6% Munich, 1% RB. Taste great, but also too dark (boiled for 3 hours though).
Yeah, mate. I reckon we're pretty-much on the same page.
80 Shilling.jpg

90 Shilling Recipe.. what should we change if anything? add some Munich? Carapils?

We are looking at doing a part reiterated mash, 70-100kg going in on the Friday night to get some Strike Liquor for the above recipe.

The above recipe scaled up to 500l is 135kg Base, will get 200 and be done with it.
If we're going with JW as the base malt (current plan), I reckon we might need something else to fill-in the "maltiness" gaps we won't get (traditionally, MO would be used).

Maybe a BIT of Munich/Amber/Carapils/Biscuit etc....but not a lot. KISS wins! Boiling the crap out of the first runnings should provide the rest of the profile.