Top Twister Pro-am Competition

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My congratulations to all participants, David, all the assistants including judges, stewards and other miscellaneous helpers.

I believe the brewer(s) of the Grand Champion Beer is (are) in fact an AHB forum member(s) and I'm sure he or she (they) will soon speak up to bask in the glory.

Thanks again and Happy Brewing,


*Edited to make a token attempt to introduce consistency amongst singular and plural elements.
Congrats everyone. Big thanks to David for all his hard work and to everyone else who helped out. It was great to be a part of the judging and even better to score a place!
Well done everyone :beer:

I take it the scores are out of 100?
Good Day
A big thanks to David and all involved. From what I have read the the festival and comp were both great. :beer:
Congrats to the place getters & well done David & the organisers for putting on such an exciting competition.
Work commitments kept me away this year, but next year i hope to give it my best shot & get down for the weekend. :)

Cheers Ross
Thanks David & everyone who helped organise, judge and steward this event. Sorry i couldn't be there. Congrats to the other winners & entrants for having a go.

Sorry Stu 8 points is 8 points :lol:
Nice work Phil, do you have a spare bottle to bring over next week? punk_2_.gif Be nice to try all the beers that palced ...hint yes_1_.gif burp_1_.gif
Goes to show that fresh beer is best. The #1 wheat beer was only 4 days old and still fermenting when it went into the bottle.

I had a great time judging in the comp and will happily do so again next year. I also hope to see more judges next time, to cope with the expected higher number of entries. In addition, trust that people appreciate the email address I provided on my feedback sheets, if they want more info (if I can recall anything, though).


Oh, and big ups re the comp, and thanks for the wheat beer title affirmation. I'm awaiting the photos of the days.
Results were announced today at the conclusion of the Best of Show round.

Entries were received from NSW, ACT, QLD and VIC with the Beer of Show round being judged by 3 BJCP Certified judges (one each from NSW, ACT and QLD).

The BOS was awarded to a Scottish Export 80/- brewed by Chan & Eileen Lay of RICHMOND, VIC.

Runner up was an English Barleywine by Keith Grice of NEWCASTLE, NSW.


AhhHHH! :D BOS? Thats so awesome! I had two wheat beer bottles that broke on transit to Potters :huh: and another that exploded during storage :eek: . Glad they were'nt the Scottish.

Congrats to other place getters and many thanks to Dave and Keith, other members of the oganising committee, the NSW brewers guild, Judges, Stewards, Potter Brewery and sponsors, for such a cool comp!

Looking forward to brewing at Potters Brewery and entering the US AHA comp.


PS: How do we find out how our other beers placed given that there are no names published for placings below 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

Where can we view the results for the Commercial beers that entered the Top Twister Pro-Am Comp?
Congrats to all the winners and placegetters, it was certainly a high standard of comp. Big congrats to etbandit (Chan?) for the BOS winning beer. It was an exceptional beer, I was lucky enough to try it both at the first round, and the BoS round. Very well made, and if you can make the exact same beer at potters, I will probably move in there until it is all finished!
Just wanna say a MASSIVE thanks to David for organising such a great competition, and I know that all the judges were of a very high calibre, so I think that the best beers won. Funnily enough, in a tip of the hat to the quality of judging, the BoS and runner up were the highest, and second highest scoring beers in round one - so that means the judges got it right in round one anyway. Also, I should offer a very big thanks to Potters Brewery for allowing us to run the first round at their place, and for providing some thirsty judges with very good beer after the comp was over. They are really supportive of the home brew community there, and also brew some great beers.
I look forward to being a part of the comp again next year, and hopefully we can get Dr K and Berapnapod as guest judges in the BoS round again - those guys are very good judges. My email address is also on the top of any scoresheets I did, like Les, so if ya want any more feedback, dont be afraid to ask (please just keep the hatemail reasonably friendly ;))
All the best
PS: How do we find out how our other beers placed given that there are no names published for placings below 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

When the scoresheets are posted out, they will have the number of your entry on them, and then you can look up the number in the results, so it may be another week or so before you find out for sure. If you had any distinctive beers (like a vanilla porter I put in) you can find it that way though. And dont tell me you had beers in the pro comp too?!? ;) I'm sure the results of that will be up shortly.
AhhHHH! :D BOS? Thats so awesome! I had two wheat beer bottles that broke on transit to Potters :huh: and another that exploded during storage :eek: . Glad they were'nt the Scottish.
It is an awesome effort Chan (and Eileen). And I too am glad the Scottish did not explode along the way. I was on the panel that judged the 80 /- and it was a stand-out beer. A fantastic beer.

I look forward to tasting your commercial effort.

I am afraid that I owe Doc and Les a big apology. I have found an error in the Wheat beer results where the place getters were not correctly sorted.

A certain Roggenbier brewed by Jye Smith in RUNCORN, QLD has vaulted into 2nd place causing some shuffling downwards.

Sorry guys - this is what happens when things are done in a state of exhaustion :angry:

At least Jye should still be talking to me .....

I have attached the corrected results, including the Commercial placings.

All scoresheets and certificates will be in the post tomorrow.


View attachment Results_2007.pdf
Thanks to all who helped in the running of the b+t pro am. Can't wait to get up to potters when the scottish pale is brewed and pouring. Thats one style that I have never tried before. Should be tops. Congrats on a well ran event boys. Should be bigger and better next year!!!
Congrats on a well ran event boys. Should be bigger and better next year!!!


You obviously haven't read my correction above :D

I must say thanks for all the kind words that I have received. But apart for a few busy days and sleepless nights it is not too hard to run a comp like this.

The main thing is to have enough trained judges and stewards to make sure that the competitors get great feedback. They did all the hard work. Mind you, they must be a bit simple as they actually thanked me for it !

One amazing difference about this comp was how supportive the Bitter & Twisted festival organisers were. This was a festival solely devoted to beer ! Sure there are other one day events run by pubs etc, but this was the first time I have seen a whole weekend, not to mention a town - devoted to beer and brewing.

I will post some more pictures and newspaper articles when I get over a few computer problems that I am having at the moment.

Thanks again everyone for your kind comments - see you up here next year.





I am afraid that I owe Doc and Les a big apology. I have found an error in the Wheat beer results where the place getters were not correctly sorted.

A certain Roggenbier brewed by Jye Smith in RUNCORN, QLD has vaulted into 2nd place causing some shuffling downwards.

Sorry guys - this is what happens when things are done in a state of exhaustion :angry:

At least Jye should still be talking to me .....

I have attached the corrected results, including the Commercial placings.

All scoresheets and certificates will be in the post tomorrow.


Cheers Dave, I was a little disappointed after it did so well at the QABC.

Felling much better now :D