As for the old Ultimo brewery, dog collar wearing hippy Clover Moore got a hold on it and decided it could become a "green space" hence the fact that most of it is gone....
I doubt there will be much green space. With Frank Sartor & Kristina Keneally ignoring voters and residents and approving what the palm greasing builders want, Im expecting several towers that rival the current uts. Frasers the Singapore owned builder / owner keep showing concept plans with 10 & 30 storey buildings. The original design was just residential, now commercial and shopping areas seem to be part of it. Clover Moore was against it but now seems happy to go along for the ride. One of the positives is that the 3 pubs will remain, thou will look strange with a 10 storey residential apartments surrounding them. I can imagine there licensing hours will be restricted after a year or so and numerous complaints from new tenants.