Today Tonight Gets It Wrong?

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Did anybody see the TV segment last night on Today Tonight (ch7) where they compared Aussie products to imports?

A bloke they interviewed from AUSBUY sat there with a straight face and compared Bavaria Holland lager to VB and recommended we purchase the VB as a substitute because it was $2 cheaper per slab! :blink:

Although AUSBUY usually does a good job promoting Aus products and informing an otherwise ignorant public I think they have lost the plot on this one.

I wonder what they drink at the staff bbq's? :chug:
I would bet he burst into laughter off camera.
Nobody can really be that stupid.
I would say I disagree with just about everything Today Tonight has ever come up with (from seeing the ads anyway), but in this case I'm not so sure.

What's the difference between one country's cheap lager and another's? Is VB really that bad? (Donning flame-retardant suit now)

It's not a view that I particularly subscribe to (though I suspect it's a big factor for Ausbuy), but at least drinking VB is keeping most of the money within Australia (albeit supporting a producer of mass-produced crap). I'd imagine Ausbuy's main focus is to give consumers the best value for money, and for most beer drinkers the choice really comes down to an alcohol:dollar ratio anyway. And it's not like any serious beer geek is gonna take beer advice from Today Tonight, or anything on free-to-air TV for that matter.
Malnourished said:
And it's not like any serious beer geek is gonna take beer advice from Today Tonight, or anything on free-to-air TV for that matter.

Like rugby league? :D
A friend of mine is an actor that was recently hired to do a story on Today Tonight. It is all a joke. If it held an creditability with me it was lost at that point.
I've stopped watching ACA for a while now too. Tuned in last night and copped a story about "Frozen food is as good and sometimes better than fresh food". It was basically an ad for Lean Cuisine posing as journalism... I would laugh if it wasn't so damned wrong!

Here's a link to the story
(you may need to log into ninemsn to read it)
you mean its not a comedy :( :huh:
Today Tonight Gets It Wrong?


Shortest threads in history...

Today Tonight Gets It Right

How much were Today Tonight paid to promote VB?

I watch too much Media Watch to ever take these programs seriously anymore.
(Seeing as we're OT) I briefly saw it last night when they ambushed a young woment in a carpark and asked her how many kids she had and then asked her child how many dads he had. Stomach turning. I don't know how the presenters can do it. They must have undergone some form of brainwashing.
shmick said:
A bloke they interviewed from AUSBUY sat there with a straight face and compared Bavaria Holland lager to VB and recommended we purchase the VB as a substitute because it was $2 cheaper per slab! :blink:
Well that depends on whether you want something with almost no malt and and detectable levels of pride of ringwood vs the most skunked beer I have ever tasted.
channel 7's version of A Current Affair.

Guaranteed quality viewing

BRAD T said:
What is " A Current Affair"?

A full fermenter bubbling away flat stick

Im getting a chubby :wub: :lol:
Stop complaining.

There's always Neighbours.