Thyme in a beer?

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Phlegm TB
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Over the weekend I was drinking a beer after chopping up some thyme, and it seemed to work really well together (the smells at least).

Has anyone ever tried thyme in a beer? If so, how did you do it - how much, etc.

I had a quick google and found some small discussion, but nothing from anyone that had actually tried it.
I did a chille beer where I used chillies in place of the late hops and dry hops, I only made 4 L of it, which was from a cervesa I was brewing and used I chillie for each addition. It tasted quite pleasant but not overly hot, I would add more chillie next time.

I don't know how you would work out how much thyme to use, probably try a small volume of another beer you are making to see and adjust from there.
I would add it in late in the boil. Maybe a whole bunch.

I've used Thai basil (fresh, soaked in vodka) and it's an awesome addition, can't imagine why thyme wouldnt complement well. Lemon thyme could work too now that I think about it.

Well yes, I am just drinking my Lemon Thyme Saison as I type. Lemon thyme is more lemony that thymey. I used 0.8g/L fresh herb with 5 mins left in the boil. I kettle soured a little so it is tart but not sour. So the taste is lemony with a light herbal grassiness. Initially I found it a little strong but it has tamed down after 4 weeks in the keg. I like it and think it is worthwhile trying regular thyme (I love thyme), but may be go a little lower than I did, say 0.5g/L. Regular thyme can add some bitterness so keep that in mind.
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To be honest removing all those little leaves from the stem is almost impossible, so I simply cut off the thicker stem near the base and discarded and then used the leaves and stem from the top portion. I used two large bunches of lemon thyme for a double batch.

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