The state of AHB and mental health

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Just thought I would shije some light on someone who thought it appropriate to message me privately and insinuate that I should seek mental health assistance because they did not agree with me. It's a shame that in this day and age, and with everything that goes on in the world currently, people think it appropriate to make cruel and un needed personal attacks.

I won't name them because then this thread will just get deleted, but if you look at the recent posts I've been in its not hard to work out. The person insinuated that because I called them out, I have issues and should seek help.

How about a forum where people can participate, argue and disagree that doesn't devolve into personal attacks. With the huge rate of suicides particularly in men its disappointing that people see fit to use it in an attempt to attack someone.

I hope you feel ashamed and reflect on what you wrote to me personally. Clearly you didn't think it would go down well in the general forums and decided to hide behind a private message.

If you have an issue with how I respond, or feel that I have upset you or insulted you then feel free to let me know. 99.99% of the time it was not intended and I will apologise.

But if you feel its appropriate to privately message people and insinuate they should seek professional help for their "issues" because you don't like how they responded to you then do everyone a favour and don't. Keep personal attacks in general out of both the public and private forums.

Anyone genuinely experiencing a mental health crisis should seek help from life line, beyond blue or a medical professional. I have been visited by the black dog once or twice and there is no shame in seeking assistance. There is shame in attaching a stigma to it and using it to "score" a point against someone.

End of rant.
Yeah that's not on.

I appreciate the fact that you take time out to answer a lot of queries, (including mine) to the best of your ability.

This is what forums are about, helping people, robust discussion and different points of view.
Yeah that's not on.

I appreciate the fact that you take time out to answer a lot of queries, (including mine) to the best of your ability.

This is what forums are about, helping people, robust discussion and different points of view.
I learn as much if not more. I am far from as knowledgeable as someone like @MHB but I try to help out as best I can.

I understand I can probably come across as rude or sarcastic, I'm a fairly dry person. But to message someone directly and tell them to seek mental health assistance as a way of insulting them is just not needed. We should be able to disagree, if I upset you message me like a human being and tell me I upset you. I will more than likely not have meant it and will apologise. But no one should make light of something as serious as mental health.
No need to tolerate this.
Report it to Admin on that site, as they can read personal messages (moderators cannot).
Yeah no dramas. I reported it. It appears rather than self reflect the person decided to double down, call me a bully, a dick head, wanker, and let me know that in all my posts I make I continually bully people.

Hopefully the person self reflects a little and realises that by going out of their way to contact someone for the sole purpose of abusing them, then trying to gaslight them by calling me a bully they are actually infact the bully.
Definitely not on to attack someone through a personal message, or in a thread. I think it is more likely that the perpetrator of the PM has issues.
Awesome. Stand up to the bullies. It has to stop.
It's all good. Perhaps I need to reflect on how I answer people too. Maybe I come across as abrupt or rude, but if anyone feels upset about how I talk just let me know.

I'm not perfect and am usually able to reflect on my own actions and change or at least try to.

I just think mental health is on the decline, and it's not something to leverage against people. Anywho, cheers for the support (except for one of you) and keep the chin up boys. Remember to talk to someone if you need, and while you may not feel like talking to people you know or conversely strangers, AHB should be a safe spot for people to participate.

With that, feel free to message me if you want to vent, rant or talk shit or I'm sure there is plenty of great blokes on here you can get in touch with.

Grmblz and I had a disagreement, turns out he's a fking good bloke. I'm sure if this was all down the pub and we were sharing a beer it would be different. Let's not all get personal over a hobby that we should all enjoy.

Cheers, beers and stay safe. Wash your hands and lets support each other.
Mate you have been nothing but helpful in my short experience here. It baffles me that people can get upset about brewing beer. Unless your bottles explode, I guess.
Mate you have been nothing but helpful in my short experience here. It baffles me that people can get upset about brewing beer. Unless your bottles explode, I guess.
Haha, yeah I moved to kegs. Imagine if one of them gives way. It would look like that Simpson's episode with beer out the roof!
Very unfortunate that this happened. FWIW I have come across several of your posts and learned a lot from them. I have never thought they were condescending or insulting. Some threads where I thought I had something to add I haven't replied myself because I thought you had already addressed the question quite well. Some people simply don't know how to agree to disagree. Like you said it's a shame. Keep on keeping on.

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