The Scientific Art Of Brewing

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I found this event in the upcoming Science Fair.

The Scientific Art of Brewing

Dr Chuck Hahn, brewer and creator f the Hahn and James Squire brews, explains the science and art of brewing. Various beer samples will be provided to illustrate his discussion and the Canberra Brewers Society will open the event with a showcase of their brewing techniques. Afterwards head on to the ANU Bar Refectory for a beer with Chuck and ask those beer questions you have always wondered about.

Date Saturday, August 16
Time 3pm Brewing techniques, 4pm lecture, 5.30pm beer with Chuck
Venue Manning Clark Lecture Centre, ANU and ANU Bar & Refectory
Bookings Not required
Age Adults
Cost Free
Wouldn't you know - I actually have to drive past to go up and play volleyball on the central coast... D'Oh!

What a good afternoon, AG demo by guys from Canberra home-brewers - Chubby Bat Brewery, (thanks guys) followed by a Lecture from Chuck Hahn and then he took you though 5 of his own beers, served at the correct temp, Hahn Premium and 4 JS brews , Golden ale, amber ale, porter and pilsner. More AG demo and Chuck was buying beers (but I had to drive home... bugga.)

None of the guys doing the demo new much about BIAB or no-chill. I'm not sure what this means but I wouldn't mind seeing a demo some time.