The Sandpeoples Xmas Case

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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Well I am about ready to send my Xmas case off to GL's
I have not included all the brews I intended but have a good selection just the same .
I am going to have around 24 bottles , this is more than required so if there are any extras perhaps we can drink them in early December while I am in Perth.

I think we have
Dee Bee

Cheers Batz
Cor blimey, I better whip up something real quick :|

Due to my last 2 brews being somewhat...ermm....crap, I'll need to find something to send along, and some bottles to put it in.

By the way, are they supposed to be ~375 or ~750 ml bottles?
Batz said:
I think we have
Dee Bee

Cheers Batz
Yeah I think thats right. But its not too late for anyone else to chuck their hat in the ring.

Barfridge, any size bottle will do, mine will be 750s. I can find some spare bottles if you are stuck.

I have bottled a SFPA with chinook as a finishing hop, havent tasted it yet but that was going to be the case beer. Planning to brew an ESB next week and then put a chocolate porter on to that yeast cake, so might include them if they come up OK.
Guest Lurker said:
I have bottled a SFPA with chinook as a finishing hop
Just emptied a keg of this last night :(

Haven't started yet! How much do I need to brew?
Yeah - like JasonY said; how much do we need to put in?

I'll be in it if I can get a brew together in time.....
Now,... who wasnt paying attention in class?

The guidelines were set down as:

1) Let n be the number of sand people. You supply 2 x (n-1) bottles to GL.
(looks like n =6, you supply 10 bottles. That puts 2 bottles in each case, except your own. You get a Christmas present of 10 bottles of beer)

2) Bottles are 750 ml.

3) Bottles to GL (thats me) by 4 Dec.

Now, here in the west we are flexible. You can use 375 ml, but it would be better to double the number of bottles so we get the same amount each. You can make it all the same brew or you can mix it up like Batz has. But you have to keep to the spirit of the concept.

Its not some old bottles you had hanging around at the back of the shed. Its a brew you created, crafted and nurtured, to the best of your current brewing capability, with the specific intention of providing your AHB chums with maximum drinking pleasure over the Christmas period.

Dont forget some brewers are their own worst critics. Whatever you produce is going to be tasted with interest by your AHB chums.

And if I have to type out the guidelines again, someone is going to end up writing lines!
That sounds like only 8 bottles. I thought Asher was putting in?

If it's only five of us then maybe we should make it three bottles for each other contributor ie 12 bottles. 8 bottles does not a carton make.
I'll throw my hat in the ring
I'm another sandperson and willing to have a crack, I've only done one AG so far which is still slowly fermenting but as its too late for the WCB comp tomorrow it will have a nice long time to lager by the time December comes up and hopefully be able to turn something else out buy then too!

Glad to have you on board Ausdb

Don't get to worked up about the brew , we will try anything , BUT IT BETTER BE GOOD !! <_< :blink:

Only kidding , are we not GL? :p
Yep count me in too. I cracked a Big Dog IPA last night. Bloody beautifull... It was quite nice to drink someone elses work for a change...

So does than make n=8 (14 long necks to GL)?

I'll CP fill some bottles close to delivery date..

Update on the Trumer Dunkle. Diacetyl resting as we speak. plan to keg & CC later this week. Fermentation is going well.

Asher for now
Excellent work fellas.

At the moment its
so its 14 long necks each and you get the equivalent of more than a carton of beer for Christmas.

Needs to have a label on the bottles and to get to me for 4 Dec. I have some cardboard boxes saved up, but when Batz is here early Dec maybe we can meet up, bring a crate with your own beer, and take it away with your Christmas case.

After all, you wouldnt want me to get arrested doing the midnight milk crate raid on a deli would you?
If you were delivering via bike we may have to insist on placcy bottles to preserve the contents during any radical curbing manouvers you make along the way :eek:
yes - the gear changing hand could get tangled in the streamers from the handle bars.....
There are going to be some interesting beer names and warnings on the lables this christmass....
Firing up "Phase 3" of the Bruhaus this Sunday to brew my Christmas Case Beer.....
"Santa's Little Helper" - California Common (Steam) Beer"

Hows everyone else's looking?

I've got a keg of the AHB - Trumer Dunkle lagering too. Could be a perfect opportunity to drink it when we pick up our cases!

Asher for now....
Mines going to have to be an APA by the looks of it, brewed 25L last sunday I shall have to struggle and save the longnecks. When are we handing all this over?
Excellent, never tried a steam beer.

APA works well as I drank my AHB case APA. Mine is now looking like an ESB which is in secondary and I will be bottling next week.

Cases to my place by 4 Dec.
Phase 3 Asher? What have you done?

Fast-breeder Reactor for the HLT ?

I hope to be doing a Pils this weekend for the box - I got a 6th in the recent Club comp, so I'm feeling very confident !!! (the fact that there were 6 entries took the shine off the result a little but I remain undaunted)
How about we get together and all bring our donation bottles and a box and all leave with our donated bottles and box? Easier than leaving someone with the sorting job. Have a few beers while we're at it? We can drink Asher's beer and the extras that Batz is sending down ;-)

If no takers for venue, we could probably do it at mine.

Or I could just shut up and we could stick to the original plan, drop beers off and no drinking then collect beers later and no drinking. That would mean no drinking, though. :chug: