The interest in craft beer is growing at a fantastic rate, with new independent bars opening in major cities, some regular pubs stocking lines they would never dream of a few years ago, and retailer such as Dan Murphey's carrying a notable range. The big players are well aware of this growth, and obviously they want the sector's market share. Which is why James Squire is being pushed so heavily this year, Fat Yak is pouring from many taps, and the megabreweries are eyeing off the acquisition of the indies. And let's face it, most people have their price over a sense of industry integrity.
Your average convert doesn't know the difference between the business structure of White Rabbit vs. Four Pines, Little Creatures vs. Murrays, and they will be attracted to the availability & price of these alleged 'craft' offerings (ie those owned by the majors). So while we are living in exciting times as beer lovers, I speculate that within two years we will see a few biig names in the scene suffer at the hands of corporate dominance.
In the American documentary "Beer Wars", the retail shelves are discussed, and the big players who demand the shelf exposure will offer their products in multiple, arguable pointless formats, so each 'line' is taking up space. BUd Light might release their product in a cabn six pack, a bottle six pack, a 10 pack, a 24 carton, and a 30 carton. The result is that for a 12ft x 6ft segment, ALL the consumer sees is the Bud Light branding. Do the same with regular Bud, Millers, a few megacraft lines, and very quickly a little micro with a 6-pack presence easily gets buried under Goliath.
The big players can afford to reduce their profit margin. Hell, they have even been known to release 'loss leaders' simply to gain market share against their major competition. What chance does an indie have if both Lion & Fosters decided to sell thir 'craft' beer range at $12 a six pack? My local shop sells Aussie micros for $25-$30 a six pack. While *I* have no qualms about the premium pricetag, this will be a deciding factor for many consumers.