Sulphur Smell Off Wine Yeast

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Adric Hunter

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I put down a cider on sunday, using Red Star Premier Cuvee dry wine yeast. Today I noticed that the air lock was giving off a bit of a sulpuruos smell. I know that lager yeasts can tend to do that, but is this normal for a healthily fermenting wine yeast? I've been fermenting at about 21-22C and it seems that the initial stage of furious bubbling is starting to finish off now.
I put down a cider on sunday, using Red Star Premier Cuvee dry wine yeast. Today I noticed that the air lock was giving off a bit of a sulpuruos smell. I know that lager yeasts can tend to do that, but is this normal for a healthily fermenting wine yeast? I've been fermenting at about 21-22C and it seems that the initial stage of furious bubbling is starting to finish off now.

Get hold of some DIAMONIUM PHOSPHATE and put a teaspoon in. I know from my wine making that grape juice does not contain all the goodies wine yeast needs to grow and as a biproduct of struggling to grow it produces hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg gas).

Let me know how it goes