Still Not Convinced Bulk Priming Works Properly

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After bulkpriming for the 4th time a few weeks ago I'm still not convinced that this method works correctly without giving it all a good stir at the end of it.
I have read everything I can about this method of priming as well as all the advice given on this forum and others as well and it is an excellent way to prime your beer.
OK the reason I am saying this is because I am sure that the priming solution is not getting evenly distributed through the whole brew when the transfer occurs.
The way I do it is the way recommended in all the books I've read as well as forums like this.
I first melt all the sugar in about 250ml of boiled water. Give it a good stir to make sure its all melted. My primary fermentor sits on a table, I attach the hose which is 2 metres in length and wind the rest of it into the secondary down below that. I then pour the solution in and let the tap go. It does swirl around nicely and it looks like its mixing well but I'm convinced it not mixing.
The reason I'm saying this is because all the brews I have bulk primed seem to be out of kilter. Most will have good carbonation but some are just gushers.
Take my second last brew which was a dark ale.(Bloody flat beer) thread. This brew is all in glass. Sometimes I use plastic if I dont think the quality of the brew will bw the best.
A few days after posting that this brew was still quite flat I got home to discover a bottle had blown. I use Grolsch bottles so I went through the lot of them undoing the cap to see what was going on.
Well..I got 6 bottles that were gushers and potential future grenades.
This just doesnt make sense.
Why should i get 7 bottles so overprimed? Because the solution isnt getting mixed up enough I reckon.
People say you shouldnt stir after bulk priming coz of infection danger. Well if you can rack and alchohol levels can protect the beer from infection then I reckon giving it a good stir shouldnt be a problem either.
After all if you dont splash it around like mad it should be ok.
I'm gonna be stirring after bulk priming from now on.

Has anyone else noticed or had anything like this happen to them?

If you need to stir then I can't really see any problems, as long as your paddle is sanitised and you avoid oxygenation of the beer.

When people say don't do something like that because of infection danger, it is simply a case of minimising the chances of infection. Stirring by virtue of being an invasive process with a foreign object (!) will increase the chances of infection, so people advise don't do it if uneccessary. If it is necessary though, do it.

I use to have uneven carbonations but now I stir mine (gently) after bulk priming. Let it sit for a few mins before I start bottling and I've never had any that I've noticed are off.

How do you work out how much primer to put in? I use John Palmers Nanograph. It's a bit of work converting it from ****** imperial, but it seems to give good results.

I use the tables on the Grupys website to figure it out. The brewers manual there is great if you are new to brewing.
oops..........make that Grumpys website

Hey Wasabi its good to see another mugshot on here as well.... B)

:ph34r: :ph34r:

You inspired me to get the mug shot!

After the episode of planning to meet Linz and Kook at the Lord Nelson earlier this year and spending the whole night sitting at the next table thinking "Hmmmm, I wonder what they look like", I reckon it gives a sporting chance at the next meet.


You should deffinatly audition for the next Blues Brother movie.


I've been giving it a gentle stir (with a sort of lifting motion from the bottom) since I started bulk priming, about 12 batches so far.. no problems yet.

Good Day
I give the fermenter (which has the primings in already) a gentle rock to cause it to swirl around. I do this when it is half full and again when it is full. When half the bottles are full I give it an other rock/swirl. Works for me.
Taste the last bit in the fermenter, if it is very sweet it has not mixed properly.
Johnno, I also give mine a quick stir after its all in. I bottle into stubbies so bulk priming is a huge labour saver for me.
I agree with Johnno, a gentle stir with a sanitized stirrer does no harm & you know it's mixed properly.
I have 330, 345, 350, 375, 473, 500, 550, 640, 750 and 1250ml bottles. Bulk priming is the only way.

Can't see a problem with stirring if you're very clean about it. I never stir after racking onto the priming sugar but I do leave the fermenter to sit for 30-60 minutes before bottling. Never had inconsistent carbonation. I also generally under- rather than over-prime.
I'm going to be (lightly) stirring from now on. B)
G'day Johnno,

Re your original post...Do you reckon the gushers may have not finished their primary fermentation before you bulk primed and made the grenades? Or were those stubbies out of a secondary fermentation that was bulk primed??

Sure a poorly mixed primer or too much dextrose will do that, but so too will bottling too soon.

I always stir with a sterilised spoon and leave for a few minutes before bottling - never had a problem.


Trough Lolly,

These bottles were out of a secondary fermentation that was bulk primed. I had a FG of 1014 for 3 days.
I even gave the fermenter a ass-kicking shake on day 2 to see if it was stuck, but it didn't drop any lower than that.
The bottles that gushed were all out of the last few litres in the fermentor.
Like Barry has mentioned if the leftover in the fermentor tastes sweet it's not mixed up correctly.
I noticed this a couple of brews back but didnt pay much attention to it.
I now know what to look for and will definately will be giving it a gentle stir from now on.


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