Ther eis a guy who owns an engineering business in the barossa - he is thinking of joining the Barossa Brew Club.
He is making SS Conicals for the Grenoch Brewery - and will be owning/runing the microbrewery there.
Asked him for a quote on SS Conicals:
635 + GST for 60 ltr with Loose fitting Lid - comes with Legs, dump valves.
695 +GST for a 100ltr as above.
I think the tight fitting lid would be worth the extra $... Giving you the option to push the contents out using bottled CO2... With fermentors this size I doubt you'd want to be moving it much.
A cheaper & more readily available vessel is the 45litre post mix keg. I have set up one of these for a guy and it works great. Dump the wort straight in, pitch the yeast & close the hatch. Put a gas connect on the CO2 turret with a length of 5mm tube into a bucket of sterilant. For gravity reads it means waiting until the end & pushing some CO2 in and take your sample out of the Liquid turret. A simple tranfer from the fermentor to a smaller post mix keg by pushing it with CO2 is painless.Liquid out to Liquid in means absolutely no chance of oxidizing your beer.
A lot cheaper than getting something made @ the prices quoted above.
I will get some photo's of this set up next time I drop off an order to him & post them here.
photos would be excellant gerard
any chance also of some photos gmk.
ive been thinking about this for sometime but photos will help me go the right direction.
gerards way seems really good.
I have a fermentap and the yeast takes a lot of persuading to get it down the neck of the concial, especially the dusty yeasts. The device is only good for heavy flocullating yeasts. It is also interesting when you get a real heavy top cropper, it spurts out the CO2 tube all over the place.