Spider In Me Wort!

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On the back bloody porch!
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Put down a Grumpys Extrabrew Marstons Pedigree Bitter last Thursday night...all went well. When I was pouring in the yeast starter out of the corner of my eye I noticed something black fall in the fermenter. I looked up at the laundry vent above the sink, got me spoon and had a ferret around in the froth - nothing. Put it down to a trick of the eye. Didnt think anything about it. Racked to secondary tonight and when down to the last 500mls....there he was! A pissed dead spider! I nearly cried. I tasted the sample and it tasted ok....I guess this one will have to be watched very carefully after bottling in case of infection. Just wanted to share that...what are the bloody chances of having a kamikase spider that just decided to go for a swim? Absolutely spewing.
You'll just have to label it Black Spider Pedigree Bitter :)
What a way to go! Reminds me of the Joke about the Irish man who died at the Guiness Factory when he fell into a vat of Guiness. He had to get out three times to pee!
When I had to spend a chrissy in Tassie by myself I was actually considering a self invention called a wine bath(cheap wine poured into fill up a bath) and drink my way out of it.

Friends ended up getting me to there places in shifts as they thought I was suicidal or mad, I genuienly thought it was a hell of an idea!

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