I've got a fairly large and vigorous passionfruit vine coming on but WTF does that have to do with Sod Perc?
I love perc, got half a sack in a BB a while ago. It's particularly good for zapping things like stained tea towels and my Volleys. I pinched the small 1/4 cup plastic measure from the kitchen drawer and use one of those per bucket of water, or one in a fermenter to clean overnight.
Perc is a solid "version" of hydrogen peroxide except that the substrate is Sodium Carbonate as opposed to water. I used to treat my infected ingrowing toenails with hydrogen peroxide and the stuff would foam up mightily. Doc told me that every oxygen bubble represented a bug being zapped.
I have 8 Halapeno chilli growing in the hop yard. Came in a punnet from Bunnings back in September and are starting to produce very well at the moment. Hot as all fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffire!
I use it with boiling water Geoff and the cleaning power is amazing. A scungy cube with a couple of litres boiling water, sealed and shaken vigorously comes up as good as new in minutes or less. I'm currently using the pure stuff which requires less rinsing than napisan etc (I'm guessing it's the surfactants etc that leave the slime with napisan and related products).
Where do you get the pure stuff? I'd like greater control of my dosages, and I keep having to rethink it with every different source.
Sorry for reviving an old thread, but what is the best and cheapest stuff you guys are using at the moment in 2017??
So does the mean that when I pump boiling SP solution through my brewery it is sterilising it as well? What is ideal ratio/temp?
we source from redox here in victoria, you need a functioning business to put the order through, and may need the use of a fork to unload depending on how much you get, the drivers dont like to sit round while you unload by hand.
I bought some for the winery through a reputable industry supplier, the bag that turned up was obviously from Redox. Since I buy yeast from them anyway I'll go direct next time.
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