Sg1080 Uhm...

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I just laid down a Grumpy's masterbrew, and on measuring the OG, it came out at 1080. I admittedly only made it up to 20L rather than 23, to get a little more body, but this is the highest OG i have seen in a beer...
I could top it up to 23L, but by my calc that only drops it to 1070 anyway...
This is their "pub draught"...

Should i be concerned, or just see how she goes?

Did you add just a hopped can?

Wort was probably concentrated at the bottom of the fermenter, give it a big stir up with your long handled spoon, and check it again, none of my masterbrews have ever been over 1.050.


Yeah, only the can + masterbrew. I just stirred it and the SG dropped to 1.070... maybe i need a new hydrometer? :)
To check hydrometer, check specific gravity of water. It should read one.
Try taking a SG sample from the top of the wort as well, if it doesn't read the same as the one from the bottom then it's in need of a good stir. :) Had this happen with my latest porter, OG at the bottom = 1.090, OG at the top = 1.040. <_<
The master brew will be around 1.045 and no higher than 1.050.
Have a look at the method i posted for calculating OG on the fact file forum.
A master brew bag is for arguments sake just 1kg of dry malt and between 250 and 500g of special malts.
i don't think that bag has any grain in it does it?
anyway your OG should be around 1.045 in 20litres
